1 Answer
Ladybugs and little red stripe frogs are wonderful in both pond and greenhouse... be sure to place sheltered trays of water around and small stone stacks for the frogs to hide as well. Some dragon fly larvae for the pond is good but must be protected from the frogs in mesh boxes placed strategically in shady locations... you must tend the boxes and free the young dragons whence they appear! Goldfish are nice too but attract raccoons ... drag .... and fish eat larvae ... dubble drag unless you forego the dragoonflies. Plant bird and butterfly attractants like Nicotania and Borage as well as anything blooming blues, reds and purples. Also plant Coreopsis to attract predator insects to the garden! Marigolds, Cosmos, Echinacea, Day lilly, Bleeding Heart and Fuscia all attract birds, bees and butterflies! Be sure to have openings high and low for these critters to come and go freely .....
10 years ago. Rating: 1 | |