    When leaving.......??

    I  missed church last Sunday, and even then it had been a while since I attended,but when I left I felt comforted,empowered and filled with love,listening to the pastors son talk about high expectations in life that are thrown at us,and how it never really matters in the long run.How do you feel when leaving your home church or bible study??Does your day get better??Share your thoughts,I'd love to hear all about it.:)

    +4  Views: 974 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    It amazes me how one goes to the extent of voicing their opinions on my questions with such negativity,if it doesn't interest you why not navigate elsewhere?

    7 Answers

    I left church about 45 years ago.& yes I did feel better.


    Wow really!!!That's how you feel,but I feel even better!

    Betcha don't!

    look I'm not about to argue or battle,this question is meant to be a good one,no...I'm not going there.

    I left my catholic church 10 to 15 yr now ,


    Yeah,I was catholic as a child,I did the first communion and everything,but now I'm christian,and I've never been happier with that choice.:)

    Since when are catholics not christian?
    You've got some strange ideas ILJ.

    No ...Catholic is different from christian,I don't attend catholic church either,I attend a christian church,whats strange is how you thought they were the same,maybe in your part of the world,but not here.

    After I sing my daily love song to God, I feel renewed, empowered and feel like I can take on the world. I love life and the beauty in it. Because my day starts with God, I can only see his wonderful creations. No church required and it's a daily high, not a once a week or a once every now and then when I can get around to it high. It's the best! God loves me. Nothing can compare. How wonderfully positive!! No negativity in my love for God and his love for me!


    I'm glad to hear that,I feel that way everyday whether I go to church or not,it's just nice to hear someone lift me up a little higher sometimes,and when talking about god it seals the deal..that's all.

    Someone has to talk about God to you? God talks directly to me. Keep listening. I bet he's trying to talk to you too. :)

    No that's not what I said,I said I enjoy talking about him with others,and why not?I'm not ashamed.

    BTW.It seems to me that you are the one critisizing others beliefs.


    Nope... sorry...I asked the question,you posted your opinion,that was your choice to do so,if I respond to your comment in my thread that doesn't justify criticism.At the end of the day,you feel how you be it.:)

    Ahh typical christian. Take no responsibility!! You learn well grasshoppa'.

    Like I said I'm not going to let you"Colleen" make a joke of my question by trying to rile me up,so stop trying and go and worship your made up God in your own thread and stop trying to make a mockery of mine,I didn't ask the question for pure persecution,it was really directed at my fellow Christians,if you don't attend church or haven't in 30+ years are whatever then it obviously wasn't intended for you!!!When a question comes up that I don't relate to or know the answer to I don't enter them,I keep scrolling down...that simple!

    ""I'm waiting...I've missed church everyday of my life waiting for you...


    Awwwww your daddy!!!!Go on now he's waiting!

    No, that's her. She is the daddy :)

    Your interpretation is just that,but yet not the true one!I will leave it at that .

    I'll bet you he's boiling egg in that bot!

    What an ignorant picture to put in ones thread.Real mature,adults acting as children.

    I left my church 10 to 15 yr now, it felt weir at first but,ever I start reading the Bible for myself it open up door for me,could see people were just living in a shadow,the teaching were not according to scripture,I could see were Pagan practice got mix up for in all this religion stuff and why so many people are confuse with this today, Catholic is one of them, however there are good thing in all of them.Although now try not to practice pagan worshiping,that is faults God or deity and most of men made traditions. I think I said enough on this subject.


    I agree,the Catholics make there own rules instead of following the bible...good for you because you found the truth through the true word (the bible),it worked out.:)

    It's funny how you leave feeling like you really are special,and there are so many great things in store for us.I don't want to deny the greatest love!


    Load of bull...s...

    Those are your thoughts....not mine,sorry your closed,but that's your choice,but you sure got a whole lot to say huh??

    I think she spoke loads there, lol

    I don't know if criticizing ones beliefs that differs from yours is the right thing to do,(That's how I feel at this moment)if someone offers you a slice of cake you either say yes or no,but I wont beat you to death for refusing,but why beat me for offering????

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