3 Answers
Check out WIKI on this: The name originates from the English surname Brandon. This surname can be derived from any of the numerous placenames in England so-named which are composed of two elements derived from the Old English language. The first element means "broom", "gorse"; and the second means "hill". There are several variant spellings of the given name Brandon; there is also, most probably, a feminine variant of the name. Brandon is considered to be a masculine name; however, in the United States during the 1980s, the name cracked the top 1,000th names recorded for female births; the name has since then fallen out of the top 1,000 female baby names.
10 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
The name Brandon is a baby boy name.
<form id="yui_3_5_0_1_1409520260033_19" action="/baby-names/ratings/add" method="post"><fieldset style="display: none;"><input name="_method" type="hidden" value="POST" /></fieldset><input id="RatingMetaSubmissionType" name="data[Rating][meta_submission_type]" type="hidden" value="rating" /><input id="RatingMetaId" name="data[Rating][meta_id]" type="hidden" value="5572" /><input id="RatingMetaType" name="data[Rating][meta_type]" type="hidden" value="baby-name" /><input id="RatingRating" name="data[Rating][rating]" type="hidden" value="0" />Irish Meanig:
The name Brandon is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Brandon is: Prince, or brave. Some scholars believe Brendan means 'stinking hair'.</form>
American Meaning:
The name Brandon is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Brandon is: Prince, or brave. Some scholars believe Brendan means 'stinking hair'.
Teutonic Meaning:
The name Brandon is a Teutonic baby name. In Teutonic the meaning of the name Brandon is: From the beacon hill.
English Meaning:
The name Brandon is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Brandon is: Derived from a surname and place name based on the Old English for 'hill covered with broom'. Broom is a prolific weed. Also, 'From the beacon hill'.
Shakespearean Meaning:
The name Brandon is a Shakespearean baby name. In Shakespearean the meaning of the name Brandon is: Henry VI, 2' Sir John Stanley. 'Henry VI, Part III' Sir William Stanley. 'As You Like It' A country fellow, in love with Audrey. 'The Merry Wives of Windsor' A boy, son to Page. 'Richard III' Sir William Catesby. 'Richard III' Sir William Brandon.
People with this name have a deep inner need for quiet, and a desire to understand and analyze the world they live in, and to learn the deeper truths.
Expression Number: 5
People with this name are excited by change, adventure, and excitement. They are dynamic, visionary and versatile, able to make constructive use of freedom. They fight being restricted by rules and conventions. They tend to be optomistic, energetic, intelligent, and to make friends easily. They may be changeable, restless, untidy, and rebellious
10 years ago. Rating: 2 | |