    Can I speak on my sleep a language that I do not know?

    My wife said I speak an unnown language when I am sleeping.

    0  Views: 460 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    Sometimes when I dream of my grand parents, I dream of them speaking Italian, but I don't speak Italian. I was with my grandparents a lot when young, I was about 5 when grandpa died, I was 7 when grandma died.  I know we must have communicated but I can't remember ever talking to them in Italian. They spoke no English.  Very weird.  Sometimes I will dream in Italian, in my dream it's for real, I understand what I am saying and what is being said to me but when I wake up, I only remember the dream and I remember then language but not the words spoken.

    Perhaps you were someone else in a previous life, perhaps you accidentally learned a second language while watching PBS, are you a twin? They often create their own special language………..

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