    Is there Gluten in Peanut Butter

    0  Views: 723 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    It's Gluten Free. See here>>

    Gluten Free trend is more BS!  First off, Gluten is the glue that holds your bread together, we have been eating gluten for centuries, not it is going to kill us  Don't you health nuts get tired of people telling you what is good and what is not good for you?  Do you think that when you die you will be healthy?? News flash!  Nobody dies healthy.  And people live long lives doing everything you say is wrong.   Life is short, you can not make it longer, live it to the fullest.


    Gluten Free products may be a trend but gluten intolerance is very real. Gluten is a protein found in grains and some people simply cannot digest it. Many of your statements are completely wrong Vinny. I am gluten intolerant so I believe I possess some knowledge on this subject, which you may not. Please do some reading before you blast "health nuts" based on your obvious lack of information. You have no idea whatsoever, of the serious health problems that many people are putting up with because of gluten in their diets and their doctors simply handing out multiple prescription drugs, which do nothing more than mask the symptoms.
    BTW, it's impossible to "live life to the fullest" if you're always searching for the next bathroom!!!

    Tons of information on the topic is readily available if you wish to learn something new. You might want to start here. Just a thought.

    Duck! I am sorry you are 'Gluten intolerant' and I totally sympathize with you, Not sure when this 'gluten intolerant' phrase came about in the medical field but I assure you that the majority of people are not! So my prblem is that when 'agendist' come up with a new doom n gloom, all of a sudden, everyone feels they are victims. maybe not your case but you prove my point that we must all be gluten intolerant,It's all or none! That's how this stuff gets going. AND!!! You are wrong, I have read up on gluten, long before I posted here! I certainly am not targeting those that have an intolerance to anything! What irks me is how many people jump on the kool-aid wagon, as I said, everyone thinks they are victims because they are told they are. And I could pull up as many utubes and websites as you could find against the scare doom n gloom reporting. Now, maybe we should go back to agreeing to disagree, I would love to debate you or anyone but I think I will go back to being Vinny and you well, you just be the Duck! :)

    No, we must NOT all be gluten intolerant. That is also an incorrect statement, among others that you've made. I, however, am not here to convince anyone of anything. BTW, I see that you have "jumped on" that old and tired "Kool-Aid" expression, used to insult a person's intelligence. Even so,I remain yours truly, The Duck. :)

    Duck, please stop, you are picking a fight. I use the term 'kool-aid' because so many people follow the leader, it used to me 'lemmings' I can use this term if it suits you better. I am not here to insult, I voiced my opinion, you voiced yours, there's no changing either of us, you have more power here with your mod status, so before I give you a chance to employ it, I would prefer moving on. You will read more of my anti-leftist remarks in the future, i am sure as there are anti-right remarks. And I consider this more political than reasonable. But this too is my opinion. I would like to return to more humorist remarks even though I may have initiated this one, I also will end it. There are no winners.


    Vinny; I am beyond gluten intolerant. Gluten is killing me. I am sitting in the waiting room of my doctor's office to find out just has much damage has been done.

    Oh Fishy...I'm sorry that you have to go through all of this. I feel so fortunate compared to you, that 2 years after my diagnosis, the removal of gluten and dairy has solved my food related health issues. I wish you the best and hopefully someone will help you and soon! (((0)))

    Thanks Ducky. I had to go back to the lab yesterday as the missed a test on the requisition only to have someone else take my spot in line after I had waited 45 minutes. ... I won't be going there any more.

    Frustrating! We have a health center here and the bigger it gets, the more inefficient it gets! "Oh, we don't have your name". "Oh, it looks like you have to re-do that test". "We have your appointment for next week, not today". "Oh, I guess your information didn't get forwarded". On and on without so much as a "sorry" even when they realize it's THEIR mistake! Grrrrrrrrr....
    On the positive side, at least we don't get charged for it.

    You are right. No charge for being inefficient or rude.
    I imagine, that should be considered great value.

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