5 Answers
Absolutely. Reading is an ART! Writing is a basic skill and simple to learn. It’s a mannerly and more personal than a computer ever can be. They are skills!
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
I thought I was supposed to know the answer before asking the question...how else would you know the answer is correct or not. It is much easier to answer a persons question than to ask a question. Usually someone's question is about something they should know and forgot or previously knew but the information became obscure from their awareness over time. So then they ask me for their question's answer. So I look in mind to see where they are standing and clear away the garbage obscuring the answer. Then just tell them what they already knew, but forgot as a result of the overburden of spurious notes and considerations obscuring the facts.
I have a close relative who'se computer skills are virtually genius.Yet his spelling is atrocious & his writing is like chicken scratches & illegible.So...No you don't need the reading writing skills to use the computer perhaps,but spelling correctly would certainly help anyone reading your work.
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
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