    how do i get rid of you?

    +3  Views: 1205 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    You cant once on here you are stuck with us forever,

    You did! See? I'm gone_______ BLANK___


    You can't really mean that. Do you? Really?


    You been here since Aug 2011,,and you asked to leave on 11 of august,,if you wanted to leave why did you join ..and where you been all this time and you still do not know where the delete button is,,,you might as well stay with us and ask a question....>>>>>><<<<<<<<< ?????????????

    To begin, an understanding of the term "rid" , may offer some clarity to the terms meaning:

    rid |rid| verb (rids, ridding; past and past participle ridor archaic ridded) [ with obj. ] (rid someone/something of) make someone or something free of (a troublesome or unwanted person or thing): we now have the greatest chance ever to rid the world of nuclear weapons.(the recognition of the need for Nuclear explosive devices to repel astroids from entering earth's atmosphere propitiates its continuance )  • (be rid of) be freed or relieved from: she couldn't wait to be rid of us. PHRASES be well rid of be in a better state for having removed or disposed of (a troublesome or unwanted person or thing). get rid of take action so as to be free of (a troublesome or unwanted person or thing). ORIGIN Middle English: from Old Norse rythja. The original sense ‘to clear’ described clearing land of trees and undergrowth; this gave rise to ‘free from refuse or encumbrances,’ later becoming generalized.  

    We won't go quietly.  Boom banger bang, BOOM BANGER BANGER BOOOOOOOOOOM.


    where do you think up thease old time songs Dave??

    Well Dennis, it's because I'm looking over a four leaf clover that I overlooked before, and it' was a long way to Tiperary when I left my heart in San Francisco.

    Get a good divorce attorney. I can represent myself. You're number 3!

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