    what do you think is the reason why anarchy happened in England? is it because of poverty?

    0  Views: 481 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

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    I should think this lot had at least summit ta do widdit!


    Anarchy: a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority: he must ensure public order in a country threatened with anarchy.• absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal. Conditions are dangerously ripe for anarchy: lawlessness, nihilism, mobocracy, revolution, insurrection, disorder, chaos, mayhem, tumult, turmoil. ANTONYMS government, order.

    Folks who are kept on a tight leach, for too long a period of time, are more likely to express destructive outburst of pent-up emotions. If all you are hearing with every request that you make, is "no", the persons so treated, will be driven to anarchy. Nay sayers at every turn even for very simple human requests can drive, just about anyone into committing a crime...we have prisons full of folk to prove the point. Having been there I recognize the pattern, pause to consider what is taking place, take a pill or change my course of action to escape the nay-sayers in line to darken my day...meditate, do something silly, take a nap, or just quit whatever it was that was driving me up a wall. Frustration is a major road sign that should never be denied. Get out of frustration by restful consideration and soothing thoughts.    



    I am the total dissident practising avoidance techniques at every opportunity... duck and roll ... go with the flow ...

    Whenever I side with either side of an issue, I am practicing dualism. Dualism is the division of something conceptually into two opposed or contrasted aspects, or the state of being so divided: a dualism between man and nature.
    • Philosophy a theory or system of thought that regards a domain of reality in terms of two independent principles, esp. mind and matter (Cartesian dualism). Compare with idealism, materialism, and monism.
    • the religious doctrine that the universe contains opposed powers of good and evil, esp. seen as balanced equals.
    • in Christian theology, the heresy that in the incarnate Christ there were two coexisting persons, human and divine.
    2 the quality or condition of being dual; duality.
    Sartre, Jean-Paul |ˈsärt(rə)|
    (1905–80), French philosopher, novelist, playwright, and critic. A leading existentialist, he dealt with the nature of human life and the structures of consciousness. He refused the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1964. It was from this that I understood that dualism is the belief in the impossible separation of all things and does not work together for anyone. It is a mind trick of opposites that seeks to make all things seem self destructive rather than wholly compliant and unified in Love.

    Paramnahansa Yogananda wrote a little book called The Science of Religion and in it, the things of this world came down to simply two things of a seemingly dual nature being that of 'pain' and/or 'pleasure'!

    It is that dualism part of religion that I find so distasteful, disrespectful and tragically wrong. Then I see the fact that dualism was made to inspire awareness and instruct mindfulness but is too often driven to extreme opposites, oppression and war or indifference and neglect. Dualism is not my favorite occupation. I like 'as-isness' first and often just leave it at that...something dualism simply, does not abide.

    ... for me it all comes down to Sasquatch Robert ... Sasquatch!

    This is a job for Superman  AKA  Hector .

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