    what is the history of white people?

    0  Views: 649 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    Book review: The History of White People.


    There's an over all history of white people when they're so diverse and spread out and have been around for millions of years ?
    terryfossil 1

    is it possible that Cain was black,,??????

    Oh, yes, Terry. I think he was.
    terryfossil 1

    is it possible that Cain was the first Muslim..>>><<<<

    Terry, they say that the Garden of Eden was in what is now Iran . ( or Iraq )
    terryfossil 1

    How is that possible MCM,,?? when he put 2 angels at the gate of eden so that none may enter...Always nice talking MCM

    Cain could not have been the first Muslim.
    The Qur'an was written between December 609 CE (Current Era), and concluded 632 CE, the year of Muhammad's death.
    Cain was the son of Adam and Eve ... structured religious beliefs were not invented yet.

    Us white people are white because we originated from the colder climates.  The black people are black because they originated from the hotter climates. It's as simple as that.


    We White people (Caucasoid) came from the sea, we were fish, we walked out of the ocean, and we evolved into white people. Some of the white people have gills behind their ears, and some even have tails.  White people are fish out of the water, this is why we white people are crazy and flop around so much.

    Asian people (Mongoloid) are from outerspace. They are space aliens, look at any photograph of a living alien, they have the same eyes.

    Black people (Negroid) are from Africa, this is all i want to say, anything else I wll be called a racist.




    There is a fresh water fish that's popular in Michigan called White Fish . Maybe it evolved from White People ;-)

    No, can't be, all the white people walked out of the water 4.5 million years ago. That's just a fish that hasn't went through the evolutionary process yet. No telling what that fish will be in a billion years. :)

    I couldn't begin to guess the origins of white people.  It would depend on what one considers white... Jesus was a Jew not to mention from a region that is made up of dark skinned people.

    I think they should set aside one month out of the year called , " White History Month "


    It would be terrible! White people were pirates, whites owned slaves, white people ran the indians off their land, white CEO's are unfair, Cowboys were white people, gangsters of the 20s and 30's were white people, white people started ww1 and ww2, and finally, white people play accordions.

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