    Polygamy? Can a woman marry 4 men at the same time?

    Equal Right for Women: Can a Woman be marred to more than one man [or woman] at one and the same time?

    +2  Views: 796 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago

    9 Answers

    Is there a woman somewhere who would want to have four husbands? If so, for what purpose? If you find a good man, you only need one!


    Late a time! :)

    I wouldn't mind having two at the same time.......In case one was out of commission, I'd always have a spare :-) ........y' know........someone to fix a broken window and put in a new door if the other husband couldn't .

    I only want one who is the complete package. :)

    Sure she can. She can marry whoever and how many husbands as she wants.  Legal? I doubt it……...


    One husband is enough for me, he is hard work !

    Some information,

    A book by Brian Mocket, called, How a loving God Rescued a Son of Polygram.

    Also links,

    How can this be a 'woman's equal rights' issue??   here in USA men can't have 4 wives can they?? I dunno, I never been in this situation, I find one at a time is all I can handle.


    In Utah they could.I don't know if they still can tho.

    I can't even fathom the thought of having four honeydo list. It's bad enough being wrong all the time with one wife let alone being wrong all the time having four wives. And they of course would conspire against you. Did I mention, four credit cards??? LOL!

    There are all the funny reasons we can think of Vinnny but basically to me it just demonstrates a complete lack of respect to women.How insulting it must be for a wife to be told she's not enough woman.We have a siuation in our neighbourhood where there are 3 wives,3 separate houses,3 families,One husband.They try to cover it up by telling everyone that 2 of the houses are for daughters & grand children.They are from the middle east.

    I certainly can not argue that 'serious fact'. i agree 110% that it is insulting to the woman. I make light of everything, but I do have my morals and I do have common sense opinions. But when these people go through life given opposite lifestyles to yours and mine, they feel the same, it's morally correct for them to have four wives. Like explained to me once, the color red, if I were raised to believe red is actually called green, there's no one on this earth that could convince me otherwise. Even with the facts ! One's beliefs are honed during childhood. This is why we will never get through to these people "ISIS' and alike because they are as right as we are in their own minds. We would need to catch them while they are young. Impossible!

    Vin...Some of these ISIS fighters were raised right here in Australia.Yet they choose to go over there& fight for the wrong team.Go figure!

    Yeah, we have a few here in the states that have done the same. Up for debate is; if a person that has proven ties with terrorist groups no matter what group, if they leave this country, they may not return. I see nothing wrong with this stipulation, if they choose to go and further their radical idealistic beliefs, then this person is a threat and should not be allowed to return, citizen of the USA or not! But this is a 'can of worms' the do-gooders fight for the wrong side constantly, every bad person there's a good person inside, therefore, we should not persecute the guilty, only persecute the evil of common sense. Therefore, unless a person has 'already' done a bad deed, we have no reason to suspect they will do a bad deed. Even though all the evidence suggest they will. Innocent until proven guilty, so... We must wait until they kill to be able to convict them, even then, trial lawyers will get them off. Happening now with the captured Boston Bomber, his defense will probably succeed in getting him off. I'm sure there's a fund set up in his name to pay for a defense lawyer that's not court assigned.

    Why would any woman want 4 husbands???

    That's an awful lot of cooking,laundry & ironing,especially if every husband wanted 3 or 4 kids. LOL


    I'll say! He would be very busy, wouldn't he? :)

    You wish.

    I think a persons choice of social relationship partners should not be a legal matter. Responsibility is the result of an action, not the potential before the action. 


    Human beings are social animals but not ANIMALS.Do Animals get married? I don't know. They, the animals, gets as many as they can for reproductive purpose and their relationship ends and the need for the 'partner' will not arise for the male or female till the female is ready for the next offspring!! Are we following the same social style?

    Sister WivesFamilys to challenge, Utah Polygamy laws Reuters. link,


    You might hv to put some links in search,

    The laws where the woman lives would regulate how many husbands she could have simultaneously.  As for myself,  if it's OK for me to have more than one, it would have to be OK for the husband(s) to have more than me for a wife.  I'm not OK with that, so count me out.

    Polyandry is the term for women who have more than one husband. Polygamy is for men that have more than one wife.

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