    Why do peole answer questions with such stupid replies.

    +4  Views: 1525 Answers: 21 Posted: 13 years ago

    Maybe because your question was stupid.How about in the Eye of the camera.or your eye thats why you "blinked."Silly answer to a silly question Hmm.

    21 Answers

    ask a silly question.......                                                       

    Maybe because it was a stupid question asked many times over. I even had to start deleting the question because you kept asking it. Where does the dust in a camera go? Apparently you're the only one who cares. Stupid question got my answer of "to the bottom". Good enough guess in my opinion.


    lmao...great've helped me enjoy my lunch break with that one:)

    Perhaps your question should have been why so many stupid questions, misspelled words, poor grammar.  How do you expect a sincere answer when the person asking writes like an idiot?


    To: Ed, so refreshing to read your answer. My sentiments exactly. You get a thumbs up or several if I could!

    Ed, I've asked that too, Why are there so many fragmented questions, or should I say entries that don't have the proper sentence structure, bad or no punctuation, poor spelling. Is this how the youth of today are going out into the world after H.S. ? If so, then God help us all.

    Why does a chicken cross the road? Because it can. To get to the other side. A question can be “General” or “Specific". A General question draws a zoo of answers because the question is open to a range of answers. Why is the sky blue?…calls for a book to answer. Why is the “Oil Light “ flashing red on my car when the thermometer is on Hot? is specific enough that the answer is obvious," turn it off and call a wrecker."


    Hey Robert, Is that your real teeth in your picture ?

    Who do you have in mind.Any one in paticular ?

    Well, my replies are well thought out, coupled with sensitivity to the subject matter.  Why would you consider my replies stupid?  Day in day out I have to deal with questions that deal with ex lovers and male turgidity or the lack thereof.  There's only so much I can absorb each day, you know.  I hope you understand my plight.


    My husband brought me a sweater. I shook all over. : )

    :) @ itsmee.

    Trash in Trash out...


    or GIGO Garbage In Garbage Out
    gmta Vinny : D

    Because a lot of the question lately are pretty silly  just  making a point we need better ones please just one more thing the silly ones brings out my off the wall sense of humor!!""


    I like what you say and I LOVE your pictures. I've been looking for something in Google that I can use with my words. Can't find any.

    Thank you!

    All of the above...I also think that some answers pertain to the persons mood as well. You have to admit...some answers (like Colleen's) leave you chuckling to yourself. What the heck...a great sense of humor is only at a loss when it's not shared. Maybe you just need to lighten up...cheers!

    Ask a stupid question, you'll get a stupid answer. 

    A very simple theory: GIGO (garbage in garbage out).


    Oooops. I didn't read ahead.

    By the time I have read a page or two of poorly written questions ,I have reached my limits on patience. Never know if its a kid asking a legit question  or some smart ass trying to be funny. A lot of these questions are just ridiclous, use some common sense. Most days Ill write a good answer,on others I am going to roast your stupid ass right in your chair with some well chosen sarcastic words .


    Well said bluesman lol

    If a Question is really silly you will there put a silly Answer in I think that is logic dont you !

    They usually do that with the really stupid questions......which are lately, unfortunately, becoming more and more frequent.

    Because they can and it earns them karma points. Not all are stupid, but too many are.


    When you point one finger at others, four of your other fingers are pointing at yourself!

    Benchong ... That's a great saying.

    McDanglers: Here you are criticizing what I say and what others say. Why? If you think we answer with stupid replies why are you even here? Would that make you ... uh .... not smart? Go somewhere else, please.

    We get so many stupid questions sometimes a stupid answer is our way to wake the questioner up.

    sometimes the questions are so stupid,that's why .

    Because we make this web site a beautiful thing.

    because they are mad

    Same reason they fart, actually.  Are you looking in the mirror as you use the word s-t-u-p-i-d?  Grow up perhaps....Patience, my "fellow human being" as you were once in diapers too...

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