2 Answers
Custom Flaps & Parts for Your Pet Door
If you need a replacement flap for any dog door or cat door, locking cover, or other pet door parts, it is vital that you order the correct brand. Most parts are not interchangeable between brands or models from the same manufacturer even if the dimensions seem to match. Use dimensions to select the correct size within the brand only after the brand has been established.
However, in very specific cases there is inter-changeability. There's miscellaneous weather-stripping, charley-bars and, of course, the absolutely essential Bug Warden--for those of you who already have a sliding glass dog door and want ventilation on warm days.
Shop our selection of custom flaps, collar keys, wall liners, locking covers, bug blockers, frames, and more. If you can't find the brand you're looking for check out pet doors manufacturer's page or contact our customer service at 800 826 2871.
Read FAQ's about Replacement Flaps for your Pet Door
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