16 Answers
One worry is something awful happening to my cats……..
10 years ago. Rating: 17 | |
ALWAYS worrying about some terrible misfortune befalling one of my sons or grandchildren.
10 years ago. Rating: 15 | |
Rats are my biggest fear, I can't stand them.
10 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
These guys give me the shivers....even when I just hear them! :(
10 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
10 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
Internets!!!! The WWW!!! internet scares me! Internet knows everything, it knows where I live, my phone number, it knows my wife, my neighbor, it knows my flight times coming and going, it knows my likes and dislikes, it constantly trying to sell me something and there's a virus on every corner, not to mention cookies!! The Cookies!! They steal everything from you. Forces me to use a password that I forget and then the internet doesn't believe me when I identify myself. Ask me for my mother's maiden name. It knows that too! If I mess that up,it wants to know the name of my first dog! It knows that even. There's no hiding from the internet, its everywhere, even on my phone! When you come to realize that all of us are connected by a wire conducting the internet, you stop and think, I'm vulnerable to any hack in the world and I would never know it. What is on your computer is readily available to anyone with mediocre hacking skills on the internet. Scared???? :) Keep your shields up and your ports fire-walled. :)
And this is just the beginning!
10 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
rats, snakes and critters in the forest in general. i'm scared of ebola or things that could kill us with a stroke. they way people drive in northern california is scary. i hate when my family has to drive on the road at nite or in the rain. we see couches, chairs, tools and things on the freeway. lots of folks don't look back before pulling out. lots of drivers acts like they are racing everybody on the road. if you have to change lanes, some drivers take it as an insult to them and they speed past, get in front of you, then exit. people are acting out their frustrations while driving.
10 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
My biggest fear is being alone when I get old and frail.And having nobody to take care of me or do my paper work. And dying alone.
10 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
I've been around forever. Life is a holiday bus ride and death is a polling station. Where you go from there is up to you, usually. What I do is up to God. There are interesting times like the times here now. We're finishing the "Post-war Hippie rise and entering the post-Dangerous-after-math. Then there is some Enlightenment and the Choice...Life or Death by astroids, disease, ignorance, withholding facts, etc. "Idleness is the Devil's play-ground." my grandmother said. Avoiding disasters requires vigilance.
10 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
i have heard some on this site say when they die they will come back to earth,,that to me is my 2nd biggest fear,,my biggest of biggest fears,is not making it to heaven,,that means if i do not make it to heaven,i make it to hell,,,and if that all turns out to be wrong,that means i end up back here,,none of those appeal to me, so my money's on heaven,only way to not lose,,,,always nice talking....................................................................................................................................
10 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Life is all about repeats and cycles. It is up to older souls to teach younger souls so that we do not keep repeating cycles of violence. We are our brother's keepers per say. But we also have to balance that with free will. We should only note that which harms and not worry about what does not cause harm. A lot of time people fixate on that which does not matter because it's easier to address than what does matter. People for some reason find it much easier to fix what they believe is wrong with someone else's world than what is wrong in their own. Finger pointing causes more upsets and wars yet no one wants to be responsible when they point fingers, they blame it on some religion or their parents or some physiological book they read. People find it hard to think for themselves. When a person just parrots words without recognizing the weight or impact of the words or even understanding the words completely, it causes problems and misunderstandings. Here in lies the responsibility of what we as people put out into the world.
Yes, we should look after each other but we must also allow others free will. The only way to be able to get the correct balance for that is to learn how to love unconditionally. The only way to love unconditionally is to understand exactly what unconditional love is. Very few actually understand it. Because of this, people use love to manipulate and control thinking they do so because they love the other and want to keep them safe. They think they know what is best for the other. This causes problems and country to country, it can cause wars.
Along with reincarnation comes karma. Karma is debts owed or it is rewards for doing good. If you do something bad in a life, come your next life, you owe a debt. The debt is learning, it is the consequences of your actions that you learn from. If you killed someone in your last life, then in your next life, you may be killed so you might understand the unfairness of ending another person's life cycle before it's time. If you abused in a last life, then this life, you are the abused. Example: everyone thinks OJ got away with it. No, he hasn't. Even if he dies in this life time without ever serving time for murdering 2 people, his next lifetime will take care of it. He might find himself imprisoned for something he did not do. But, justice is being served for his last life time.
There are no accidents. Everything happens for a reason. It's up to every soul to learn and grow and it's up to every soul to help the other without interfering with free will. When we get there, then we will stop the cycle of violence we are in now. A lot of churches say, do not question. I say they are wrong. Question everything! Unless people question and learn, we can not move out from the rut we are now in.
Sorry for the tome, sometime what seems like a simple question is not always so simple to answer, lol
Which is something Christians just hate to even think about. During Jesus's lost years, that was the time that he traveled the earth and learned everything he could from the existing religions of the time. He brought that knowledge back with him and taught it to his apostles. The path I follow pre-dates Jesus. Just something for you to think about.
Mankind and life did not start and stop with Jesus. God learned everything through the death of Christ? I think not. Mankind's experiences, learning, progress did not stop when Jesus died. Look at how much we have learned since the biblical era, all that God has learned through us. No one can see the future. Not even God. Every nano-second the future changes by one singular act or many. Even God can not pre-see a sudden unintended act. I bet you never question why God created us in the first place. You should question more, God will answer.
What kind of loving God throws a tantrum and strikes someone dead simply because that person thought he was helping? I'm sure he did not intend on stepping on God's toes. A knowing God would have understood that. If a lamp was falling and I was there to catch it but chose to let it fall instead because I thought it should be smashed rather than saved, and one of my kids caught it, I would not strike him dead because he decided it should be caught without checking with me first. Your version of such a controlling God contradicts free will to the core. The bible should be amended to remove the words that man has free will since there are too many stories in it that remove free will from man. In my opinion, stories like those leave your version of God lacking in the compassionate, all loving, all knowing characteristics that God is suppose to have according to the bible. A lot of the bible is based on contradictions. I refuse to fear God. I'm going to bet that the biggest insult one can give God is to fear him.
Now, who are you to step on God's toes and warn me about what I say? Isn't that God's place and not yours? There is no proof that the words in the bible come from God. It's a matter of faith. I do not have to stop seeking just because a book was written that traps the minds of men. God wants us to learn, to question, to know, to strive to be more like him. We can not do that if we just live life as sheep being herded and never question the direction we are herded in. That makes it too easy for a false god to step in and do the herding. Always question. Even God questions which is why he created beings he could know experiences through.
I beg to differ that God learns through us. I believe the fact that He is the creator, all knowing, compassionate, merciful, forgiving for sins against Him but not against others. If I harm you, only you can forgive and not God. Yes the physical life ends but the soul is eternal. However the purpose of life in my belief is to know God and serve Him and His creation. It is in serving, meaning helping others improve their lives that you benefit and come closer to your creator and eternally merge with that universal soul -GOD.
As for free will, God has endowed us with intellect so we can differentiate between good and bad and decide for ourselves what to choose. So one must question to get answer and choose to accept it or reject it.
So you believe in enslavement? I do not. I believe the IT (God) was bored existing all alone in the great big nothingness. So IT created living things with brains and heart and emotion to see what they would do. IT gave us everything we needed for our survival and sent us off to learn, to investigate, to show it things that it could not comprehend while we were not existing. IT has the power to create. IT may even have the power to know all possibilities of everything that could ever happen for any scenario but IT can not know what every form of existence will choose to do before it does it. IT learns through our actions that even IT can not pre-think. How many times in a day might you change your mind about something? Do you honestly believe the IT is there following your every thought and guessing what you will ultimately decide? The fact that we have free will means that IT is not. IT lets us do what we will and we are to accept the consequences of what we do.
We entertain IT. We love IT, some fear IT(though one should never fear it). In return, IT loves us unconditionally. IT demands nothing and suggests everything. We do not even have to acknowledge IT and IT still loves us. We are not slaves. We are free spirits and we give out of love, not because we have to but because we choose to. Those who do not give of themselves simply have not learned how to love yet. That is not a problem either as they have many lifetimes to get there. You're correct. The IT has nothing IT needs to forgive you or anyone for. IT understands everything IT's creations do. Forgiveness belongs to the one we hurt and it belongs to our self. There are times when we must forgive our self in order to move on.
Now I never said anything about enslavement. Enslavement of who and by whom?
Let me summarize my views:
1. I will refer God as HE/Him. You can say IT. It makes no difference.
2. He was not BORED. Boredom is a physical attribute whereas HE is spirit - Universal soul.
3. Yes HE knows every action of HIS creation but has given us the free will to do anything and be accountable for our actions.
4. HE will forgive you for anything bad you do against HIM because HE loves you. If I do YOU wrong only you can forgive me because we are responsible for actions. If He forgives wrong I did to you or hurt you, I will continue my bad actions which are not FAIR to you. And HE is fair and will not treat you unfairly by forgiving me.
5. HE is the creator and created us so ye may find him. Everyone may take different route to find HIM.
6. It is HE to whom you turn for help, guidance and strength in physical life difficulties.
So you may agree or disagree with the above and that is fine . At least we agree on one thing - we have a physical limited in time life and a spiritual life which is eternal. And that is the life we should work to improve through good deeds - ALL.
God bless you.
Moving on, enslavement, you believe our only reason for existence is to serve God. I do not agree. I believe it goes much further than just serving a master. Yes, boredom and loneliness. Think of it beyond mankind's emotional plane. It's not emotionally based. You think that because that's all you know. I say IT because He speaks of gender. As a source that is energy without form IT can not be a gender. When I use Him, I do so to not confuse those I'm conversing with, those who believe IT has a human form. The human form our souls exist in are for this physical plane only. We do not take it with us so why should IT have a physical forum that is gender based? Outside of this plane, we are our true selves. Soul, without form, without gender just like IT. As for this physical plane, yes, it is limited to however long it takes soul to complete all the learning required for this level of existence. It could be hundreds of lifetimes or thousands. Depends on the soul. The physical plane is low on the totem pole. Good thing soul has eternity. :)
This is a negative planet by design. Here many lessons are learned. Here suffering takes place because it has to. It's how we learn. It's where we are suppose to learn to get along, to allow each other their freedoms without prejudice. As long as prejudice exists, there will be wars and there will be killing. As long as one believes they are better than the other or more saved than the other or more accepted by God than the other, there will be wars and killing. Until soul can break the judgments, the prejudice, the need to control others, it will continue the cycle of reincarnation to this lower plane of existence. Until soul can let go of the negative it is destined to return and live lifetimes that shows it why it can not do these things to other souls. If it takes 100 lifetimes for a soul to learn just one lesson, so be it. Soul has eternity to learn it all.
Here also we get our good times, our happy times to remind us what tranquility is like when everyone gets along and stays out of each others business. Those are the times we are suppose to be striving for instead of wasting our time telling another that they are wrong in what they believe or how they live their life. Not your concern, not my concern. Just let people be and peace will come to your world and theirs. As long as you believe another is wrong or a sinner, you will come back. There are no sinners. Just souls learning, lifetime after lifetime. One grade level in school is not enough, why would one lifetime be enough to learn everything there is to learn?
I am scared of women, my wife especially.
10 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
CANAL/RIVER..ANY WATER that looks eerie and that you cant see the bottom of..not so scared that I wouldnt jump in if I really had to to help someone out..but freaks me out a lot!
10 years ago. Rating: 6 | |