The president is holding the 3rd Ramadan Sit Down Dinner in the Peoples White House. They are flying in two bullet proof buses via U.S. Military cargo planes to transport the attendees. Now we can not have a day of prayer in America but our Muslim president can spend tax dollars to host the muslim friends. Is This America or the New State of Islam ?
NFL’s Abdullah brothers excused from camp for Ramadan dinner at White House
By Cindy Boren
Arizona Cardinals safety Hamza Abdullah and Minnesota Vikings safety Husain Abdullah have been excused from their teams’ training camps for a day.
4 Answers
I think some people are taking this Presidential Muslim favoritism too far. problem is, like other leftist, he doesn't want to be contentious and possibly offend. This of course pertains only to what group they perceive as 'minority'. It is perfectly ok to slander/belittle/offend Christian, Jews, Whites, and of course, name calling conservatives as bible thumping, beer drinking, redneck wife beaters is ok.
10 years ago. Rating: 5 | |