    how do i upload photos to facebook

    0  Views: 387 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    How to Upload Photos to Facebook
    * 1

    Go to and log on with your Facebook user name and password. Then select the "Photos" link from the left navigation bar.
    * 2

    Click the "My Photos" link at the top of the page and then select "Create a Photo Album" under the "My Photos" header on the next page.
    * 3

    Add the required album information such as the album name and privacy settings and click "Create Album."
    * 4

    Navigate the site. You will be taken to a window where you'll be able to look through the photos on your computer (at left) and select the photos you'd like to upload by clicking on a check box next to the picture and choosing "Upload."
    * 5

    Surf on over to the "Try the Simple Uploader" link at the bottom of the upload window. This will take you to a page that allows you to choose your photos one by one rather than all at once. Make sure to agree to the Terms of Use before selecting the "Upload Photos" link.

    Read more>>>  How to Upload Photos on Facebook | eHow.com

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