9 Answers
To serve ROMOS and his every need. LOL
10 years ago. Rating: 10 | |


I take a lot of medication to stay sane. Sanity is my purpose in life……….
10 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Purpose:|?p?rp?s| noun the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists: the purpose of the meeting is to appoint a trustee | the building is no longer needed for its original purpose. • a person's sense of resolve or determination: there was a new sense of purpose in her step as she set off. • (usu. purposes) a particular requirement or consideration, typically one that is temporary or restricted in scope or extent: pensions are considered as earned income for tax purposes. verb [ with obj. ] formal have as one's intention or objective: God has allowed suffering, even purposed it. PHRASES on purpose intentionally. to no purpose with no result or effect; pointlessly. to the purpose relevant or useful: you may have heard something from them that is to the purpose. ORIGIN Middle English: from Old French porpos, from the verb porposer, variant of proposer (see propose) .
My purpose, as I am a created being, is to serve the will and way of God. I am directed in all of my activities and I am aware of the presence of God in my life. I do have free will choice like everyone has, and I know who and what directs my ways. Free will is such an important concept that I am implored to observe and seek remedial responses for the usurpation of the will and way of God. Violations of free will are common here and requires the involvment of many in peaceful remediation. Not all corrections and adjustments are peaceful, there is no need for concern but by those who willfully disrespect the will and way of God.
10 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Nothing survives purpose. Anything that no longer has purpose is trash, junk, dead, spoiled and abandoned. This is why our bodies eventually die...it just don't work. We have managed to get it through a bit longer; generation to generation. But that requires the avoidance of life threatening novelties like smoking cigarets, not taking street drugs, not eating spoiled food etceteras. Then there are those social and political hazards...to many to open that doorway..yikes! ....and doing all the right things to benefit your life, your life's continuance and your children's lives as well.
Purpose is imbued in it's creation. Everything has purpose even Hydrogen Bombs. They have only one purpose and that is to save life on this world by deflecting astroids from impacting our world and potentially ending life here. That purpose is why we have them. Any use of them in war to kill people aborts that purpose with horrifying consequences as is understood now, after Pacific Island tests in disregard to the presence of peaceful protesters.
10 years ago. Rating: 2 | |