    Do you believe Black History Month is a bit excessive?

    I'm all for giving credit where credit is due, but no other ethnic group in the United States is granted an entire month of celebration. Your thought?

    +4  Views: 2360 Answers: 13 Posted: 13 years ago


    Lobby for any other ethnic group that you would like to see recognized.

    Personally I see nothing wrong with giving them a month. It certainly doesn't interfere with anyone's daily living as far as I know. I don't really see it as celebration per say, more like enlightenment for all that their culture has given this country.

    13 Answers

    **Why haven't the Native American Indians been granted a month of honor and recognition. Let's face it, they were stripped of thier land and culture. If any nationality deserves restitution, it is the American Indian. **


    Because Amerian Indian cultures do not riot and destory their communities. Moreover, Congress exposed a national guilt complex towards slavery and over played the absurd. A sham!

    The American Indian nations should be honored not out of shame, but because the nations deserve recognition. Say three months with a different nation staged each week.


    Just like Morgan Freeman said. Why not have a month to honor EVERY nationality in this country? BHM was created to help African Americans feel good about themselves. My opinion.


    Not to mention they don't have to pay income tax.

    What the Germans allowed Hitlers regime to do during the second world war with the Jews should also never be forgotten. You would be hard pressed to find a young Jewish person today with the hatred towards Germans that is evident in many young black people today towards whites. Black History Month should be a reminder of how far we have come. Whites have acknowledged that a terrible wrong was committed. Blacks must acknowledge that fact. Slavery ended 147 years ago. It really is time to look ahead and stop focusing on the past. I'm sure your first thought to this comment will be "Spoken like a true white man".

    It's not like we get off work and celebrate a holiday. If we got to miss work and were paid for it it would be unfair. It may be a white guilt month though. I could live with it or without it. If there was a white history month I wouldn't be bothered by it either way.


    white guilt month.. yes, or white band-aid month. there is a lot of that in our culture. White pride.

    As an American of Hispanic decent, I don't need a whole month set aside to be proud or feel special just the Fourth of July, then I'm good. God Bless the USA

    Yes! It is absurd and granted because America was expressing apologies to Afro-Americans.

    The expression of showing respect for Black America and their contributions is valid, but certainly the length of time. Think about it. If extended periods were granted to every American culture...

    Italian, Greek, Latino, Amerian Indian (each tribe), Eastern Indians, Japanese, Chinese, Polyonesians, Austrailians, New Zealenders, British, Scottish, Irish, Spanish, Sicilians, Iranians, Iraqi, Israli, Saudis, Turkish, Egyptians, Cubans, and and and and. Yes indeed - absurd to the core!

    Besides, it is time to stop the apologies and get on board with being American.


    Stop the apologies?There could never be enough for enslaving someone,forcing them into foreign land,and raping them and resulting in many births at the their leisure.A culture was lost,and a new one had to be rebuilt.We have moved on,but we will never forget.Please stop the ignorance.So what if they gave us a stupid month,if that is all we got out of it,that isn't much.The natives are entitled to money,so they aren't zeroed out completely.


    An absolute fantastic answer. A BIG THUMBS UP!


    I'm in agreement with Mat. It is time to move on.

    Say what you all like about it but Black people,imported from Africa against their will did play a very important role in the development of your country.I think they deserve a little recognition,don't you?

    As an Aussie I suppose it's none of my business except to say we had similar beginnings in this country. They didn't call it slavery,they called it the British penal system,but they were slaves,sent here for the most trivial crimes you could imagine.

    I can remember reading an old convict log book in a museum with tears welling up in my eyes,which turned into rage when I realized that over 60% of the names listed were Irish.

    Getting off subject there but I think the same principals apply for Afro-Americans.Their history was cut off when they were stolen from their families.So leave them alone.Let them enjoy their black history month.What harm is it?



    "Say what you all like about it but Black people,imported from Africa against their will did play a very important role in the development of your country.I think they deserve a little recognition,don't you?"

    I do and thank you. Anyone who has an issue with this, also has an issue with race and color. That's just how I feel.

    Their "Culture"? Like "Rap" Eubonics & their favorite phrase "Mother F---er"


    Wow real classy.I'm proud to say I am a black American woman,and my forefathers fought in many wars for this country.I don't care for rap music,and my least favorite word is "Mother F--er".It's sad to see the amount of racist pompous people on this site.I can assure you,I speak no Ebonics,and I am highly articulate..

    why did they pick the shortest month of the year?

    One less day for the bigots to complain that they get a month maybe?

    I'll buy that..

    Is it not a bit depressive a full month of Black history can we not have a Rainbow month

    Black History Month is approaching.  Does anyone have any strong opinions on this question/topic?


    Wait for it. Here we go!

    Lobby for any other ethnic group that you would like to see recognized.

    Personally I see nothing wrong with giving them a month. It certainly doesn't interfere with anyone's daily living as far as I know. I don't really see it as celebration per say, more like enlightenment for all that their culture has given this country.


    Colleen, believe me. Our children focus too much time on this subject during this particular month. Daily announcements, art projects, essay contests, special assembly and more. I can assure you, children today know more about Harriet Tubman than George Washington. Why is that?


    Why is that? Maybe they didn't pay attention when George was being discussed. I grew up in the 60's and I was taught about the black people and the suffrage movement and in some states it was still going on. People were more tolerant then over what children learned in school I think (at least i my area). Seems to me more people would rather bring prejudiced back to the schools than to see it removed. I really have no understood the upset over this, even this many months later.
    Why even whine about the black people getting a month? So flippin' what? Lobby for a yellow, red, white even green people month. Then everyone can be happy ffs.

    Why do we need it?


    Wow it bothers you that much huh?Well to bad because I can assure you that it's going nowhere,if you didn't notice are president is black.In that case were running things now.You have ran it for centuries.


    Honestly, we don't need it. Black History, is American History. We tend to segregate when we seperate the two. How ironic!!


    Actually Obama is not a black man. He is of mixed race. White mother, black father. As much as I'd love to say this buffoon is all yours, I can't. He is 1/2 white. At this point, I don't really think anyone is running this country. His administration is just making stuff up as they go so we can all sit around wondering what the truth is and if anything they say is happening is really happening. This is like a long drawn out, poorly scripted B rated movie. I can't wait to see the words, The End.

    No disrespect, but all it does is get people to thinkin their special.WERE ALL SPECIAL . MLK DAY IS ENOUGH. HELL I'M HISPANIC AND I SURE DON'T NEED A WHOLE MONTH TO BE REMINDED. JUST KIDDING.


    I disagree.

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