    are americans learning that both reveneu enhancement and reduced spending will be necessary for stability?

    0  Views: 656 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers


    As a global citizen you could consider putting your dollars into some other country currency if you think more highly of their potential for a rise over what you have here. As for me, I'll stay with the US currency until we can all quit this silly numbers racket...eventually, that is a certainty.


    In a way, I agree with you. It's a numbers racket. They keep stacking numbers that actually have no meaning when it represents s debt. Debts can be negotiated away. Scary - I rarely carry cash, I don't have cash on me now! my company direct deposits my pay, I do all my bill paying online, I never have reason for carry cash, it's all digital data contained on the bank's server. Now that you mention 'numbers racket' You got me scared now.

    Not so far!  Obama has a money tree with the US treasury printing office.  3 years ago you posted this and we were 11 trillion in debt, we have now tipped the scales at 18 trillion in just 3 years 7 trillion and still counting.  More spending than all the presidents in history combined   The worst president in the history of the USA and where he thinks he has a great legacy is proof he has no clue.  The children of the future will look back in bewilderment as why he had left them in such a financial mess.  If there is a future for the USA.

    I know a lot of folk see money as the holy grail of prosperity, I don't. I consider money= slavery. You work for some for money. Then you buy what you think will satisfy your need. This leaves you dependent on working for others for money to get what you need and you don't have the skill or time to work for yourself producing what you need. So the cycle continues and without your effort to provide for yourself you'r stuck. It doesn't take much to raise a few chickens. Hydroponics is great for veggies and plants they do well on refuse, junk food and trash unless you are very picky about what chickens and hydroponics  should be eating and even then it's less than the grocery store purchase. 

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