1 Answer
What do they eat?
Crayfish are often found under rocks during the day, and most feed actively at night. Older crayfish usually are more active at night and on cloudy days than young crayfish. All are nocturnal, well adapted to using their antennules to "taste" and "feel" for food at night and in the dark.
Crayfish are opportunistic feeders and will eat nearly any plant or animal, dead or alive. Adults generally are herbivorous and prefer to eat aquatic plants, leaves, and woody debris, whereas young crayfish are more carnivorous and prefer to eat animals such as aquatic insects, tadpoles, snails, fish, and salamanders. Both adult and young crayfish are cannibalistic.
This wide range of foods allows crayfish to be very adaptable to living in many habitats, and is important in transferring energy up the food chain. As crayfish consume dead and decaying plants and animals they provide food for smaller aquatic animals and improve water quality.
Read more here>>https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/420/420-524/420-524.html
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