    wont is none about 7h

    +1  Views: 421 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer



    I could feel his steely gaze upon me as i walk up the road,
    country bumpkin

    Don't cross him.
    terryfossil 1

    What is the question????????????
    country bumpkin

    The question makes no sense at all to me Terry does it makes any sense to you? This is why I placed the picture of Clint shaking his head with the vacant expression on his face. This is also a three year old question from over the 200 plus pages of questions that have been left unanswered and it needs to be moved along.
    terryfossil 1

    CB how do you answer a question that is a not understood question,,,and moving it along,does that sorta get it out of the way somehow..>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<
    country bumpkin

    We are a help site so first and foremost I do try to provide the best links and give good, helpful answers.

    Many (not all) of the 3 year old questions which remain unanswered were not answered in the first place because enough information was not given when the question was asked or it doesn't make any sense just like the one above.

    Aka had over 3 thousand pages of unanswered questions a year ago so a few members of aka have spent extra time this past year answering as many unanswered questions as possible because, yes they clog up the unanswered page and it's get them out of the way. Bob/BKP mentioned somewhere on aka that it's embarrassing to see so many questions remaining unanswered when we are suppose to be a helping people by answering their questions and I agree with her completely.

    Hopefully we'll get the rest of them answered soon aka members have accomplished a lot answering so many this past year. Gee, I hope I answered your question sometimes I way over think and seem to write a book. LOL
    terryfossil 1

    CB, i hear you loud and clear,i shall attempt to help clear some,,,i to have a problem with writing a book,,but i feel i have to do that to fully get my point across,,my wife reckons it is due to the fact that i have Aspergers...which i am still debating...well thats a small book.....
    country bumpkin

    LOL Terry. I think my problem has to do with my thyroid, seriously. It would be fantastic to see you clearing some old questions out of here. Thanks. :)

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