    what's the meaning of bearcare?

    0  Views: 391 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    The Bear Care Group creates and enhances communication, cooperation and education among international bear care professionals by organizing bear care programs, publications and resources focused on advancing and sharing information on bear behavior, husbandry, enrichment, training, veterinary care and other topics to further global bear welfare and conservation efforts.

    About ?Us


    ?President: Else M. B. Poulsen


    Else Poulsen began her career in animal behavior in the early 1980's working as a field biologist in Alberta’s oil patch. When the bottom dropped out of the energy industry she became an entry level zookeeper at the Calgary Zoo working with a wide variety of animal species, from toads to tigers. Over time Else developed a keen interest in large carnivore behavior and specialized in captive bear behavior, husbandry, and management. She was led to research aberrant behaviors in captive bears, publish her findings, and advocate for change. After 18 years at the Calgary Zoo Else left to work at the Detroit Zoo, and then several bear specialist facilities in Canada. As the founding consultant for Behavioral & Environmental Solutions she provides expertise on modernizing bear husbandry methods, environmental enrichment programming, and enclosure design and redesign to zoos, sanctuaries, rehabilitation facilities, and animal welfare groups around the world. Else has over forty publications to her name including peer reviewed journals, technical journals, articles for the media, and a bit part in the textbook Stereotypic Animal Behavior – Fundamentals and Applications to Welfare, 2nd Edition. Her first bear behavior book titled Smiling Bears – A Zookeeper Explores the Behavior and Emotional Life of Bears was published in May 2009. Her second bear book, Bärle’s Story - One Polar Bear's Amazing Recovery from Life as a Circus Act was released in Spring 2014. Else is the current and founding president of the Board of Directors for the Bear Care Group.


    The Bear Care Group
    P.O. Box 596366

    Fort Gratiot, Michigan
    48059-6366 United States



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