    I feel pain in my head every day.

    Am I dying???

    0  Views: 1364 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago

    11 Answers

    I don't think so, I had pain in my head years ago, I'm still here. Er wait, maybe I'm not..

    Diedie, if you're serious, go tho the doctor, not the internet.. Someone here let our doctor's license expire so we can't give medical advice anymore..
    Technically we're all dying. But you're most probably not dying of headache.
    Try drinking lots of water, getting sleep in regular hours, eat healthy and not worry about dying
    Good luck diedie-- we wish you well..
    Maybe there is an on line medical service with qualified doctors you can consult until you find a decent doctor in your own country.
    OK Diedie. We're spoiled, having docs... me more than Vinny by the sound of it since the NHS is free. Headaches ARE very common & they can last for months with almost no let-up. If you CAN get any painkillers, even aspirin, try them... but truly few of us drink enough water. If you even feel thirsty you are dehydrated & that is the fastest way to get, or prolong, a headache. If the water isn't clean, boil it. Don't drink alcohol... I'm not suggesting you drink too much... just that it only makes you feel less thirsty, it doesn't help. And PLEASE try to stop worrying. I can imagine what you're thinking so let's face it. Cancer, a brain tumour, high blood pressure... They do happen, but they are NOT the cause of most headaches. Worrying about them could well be... or something as simple as eyestrain. Can you get glasses, even secondhand? We do send old pairs abroad. You might find a pair that helped. I wish you well... very soon.
    It could be stress, and Brian's advice is sound... especially drinking more water. But Vinny has a point about the doc... if only because having a check-up would stop you worrying.
    I appreciate your answers, thanks to all, I'll try to find on line medical service
    Diedie, there's many sites on the www that have doctors offering free advice, where this may help you, you would still need professional care to evaluate what you have going on there... You could be having chronic migraine. They can be very painful.


    Indeed migraine can. I suffered like this for years in my teens, until I was prescribed the right tablets... on the NHS, lucky me... but it is NOT a killer. He does need to find help if he can but but I'm sure worry is not helping.
    I seen on the news the other day they did a thing on women that get headaches a lot a young woman in her 20s had a heart attack they say it is a symptom in women and you should go have it cked out although the 20 year old had been to lots of them and they never thought to look for heart problems cause she was young
    I've heard that it can be a symptom of a brain cancer, thats why I'm so scared
    Ms Sinclair

    You don't know that. Don't jump to conclusions. It may be something relatively minor and you could be making yourself sicker for nothing.
    thank you, Vinny. I'd like to follow ur advice, but in our country we have many problems with medicine and it's too hard to find qualified doctor

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