    as we are in deep crisis the news just talks economic growth and currency exchange, the rich people succeeded to speculate everything. So why they only talks of 3 continents, ASIA, AMERICA, AND EUROPE , africa is as well a continent

    0  Views: 280 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    The economies of the United States, the European countries and the Asian countries are the mainstays of the entire global economy. African countries economies pale in comparison to the big three and their global impact is not as important. There is little the economies of African nations affect on a global scale. You did not mention Australia I noticed; South and Central America were not mentioned either. Why is that? Does this make sense. It is not that these people are unimportant but simply that their economies do not affect the world to the extremes of the big three.


    Wow. I could not have said it better myself. TU

    south africa is not a segregated country in africa besides  news they have doesnt arouse the interest of the world, australia and new zealand is in the market of asia, while south america is in the block of  the americas and they contributed for the downfall of the north


    My point was to begin with, is that the countries on the African continent have little impact. That was the point of my reply to us. It would seem that the prosperous nations on the African continent would have more of an impact but they don't. Now I am sure as the big three continue to deteriorate then these economies will begin to have more of an impact. Bottom line, if the three main economic entities completely crash, as they seem to be heading, then any other global economy would be irrelevant anyway. We all have our hands pretty full as it is and it all sucks right now.

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