    how often do married men leave their wives for a woman?

    +1  Views: 1513 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    All the time, and sometimes they leave their wives for a man..

    Theres many married women that leave their husbands for another woman too- It's not always the man's fault. Did you know there is an organization for battered men?? So you see, it goes both ways..

    But to answer your question: many times.. Infidelity is not anything new.
    Unfortunately now days especially here in US it became a common thing, Man and Women leave their house and their children for another women or men and it happens all the time. What makes me angry is that living together without marriage is became normal common thing just to find out if they can stay together or not!!!
    I have been married 3 times, and each time I thought I was in love.
    I recently found out via a Phycologist that I was molested by children at an early age that caused a desire to be continually looking for true love and a better partner. Now I understand why I the drive that I did and have allowed myself to find true love. My relationship now is very good and we have been together 5 years.
    shut up f*ck head!

    was this really necessary? You come across as an angry bored individual when you do these things. Maybe you need to join something to get the excess anger out...I suggest boxing.

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