    What happen to TWA Airlines

    +3  Views: 512 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    Acquired and folded by American Airlines.

    Once maybe in the late 80's I flew TWA round trip CA to Ohio.  On returning, from Ohio, we boarded the flight, no flight crew, they were circling in another TWA flight and were awaiting our flight to exit the slip so they could land and park there at the same gate.  Unfortunately, our flight crew was on the airplane circling so they had another 'full crew board. go through proceedures including seat belt instructions etc.  They started the aircraft, taxied about 100 yards on the tarmac, shut it down and left us there.   FULL CREW!  i guess FAA regulations state that when the aircraft moves it must have a full crew aboard--  But!  This was not our crew! They got off and i guess went home or got on another flight, we were still awaiting our crew that was landing.  So-- aprox, 45 minutes later, the new flight crew boards.  They laugh, we laugh, everything is cool, so we begin to taxi, about 200 yards, we get a flat tire.  So, we deplaned and a bus (s) took us back to terminal. They jacked the plane up, put a new wheel on it and the buses took us back to the plane.  Finally!  We're off the ground.  After about 2 hours, captain said bad weather ahead fasten seatbelts, flight attendants, to your stations.   So.. For the next 20 minutes, the plane was rocking and rolling, people screaming, but this pilot was determined he was going to fly through this thing as opposed to over it or around it, we just put this sucker right in the middle.  My waist hurts because the strain on the belt.  At one time I know we were sideways.

    Finally made it through the stormy weather, then one engine flames out, it won't start, you can hear the whining of the starter pumps. Hydraulics making noise.  but its dead! won't start.  Pilot comes on intercom explained that engine malfunction cause by unknown reason but we can fly on three engines no problem.   (I don't wanna fly on three, I paid for four engines!) By this time, I need to pee really bad, I go to the back of the plane, big kitchen back there and a bunch of business travlers. They found the little bottles of booze and passed it around, we all stood back there drinking those little bottles and putting the empties back in the drawer.


    All is well now, captain comes over intercom and apologizes for the rough flight and said that drinks are on the house.   light attendants went for the bottles but they were all empty and half the plane was already drunk.  The sober half was upset because they weren't invited to the party.

    And as a final coup de grâce, on landing, one of the engines backfired and shook the whole plane. Pilot said not to worry.  Hard to convince those that already had their heads between their knees.   We were 3.5 hours late.  But made it!

    That's my TWA story.



    Bad and expensive business practices.


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