    whats the nearest star

    +1  Views: 241 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    Here you go:



    Yes, ”what is the closest star to Earth” is a trick question. Our Sun is by far the closest star to us. So, all games aside, let’s look at the stars outside of our solar system that are closest to Earth.

    The closest star to our Sun would be one of the three in the Alpha Centauri system. The system is only 4.27 light years from the Sun. Alpha Centauri A is the primary in the system. It is slightly larger than our Sun. It has a similar yellowish color with a stellar classification of spectral type G2 V. It also rotates every 22 days compared to 25 for the Sun. The secondary, Alpha Centauri B, is slightly smaller and has a spectral type of K1 V. It is orangish-yellow compared to the primary. It is 90% as massive as our Sun and about 14% smaller in radius. It rotates every 41 days. The third in the system is called Proxima Centauri. It would technically, be the closest single star to our Sun at 4.22 light years.

    very well done.

    Trick question? the Sun.nearest to our own.Out side the solar system Alph centuri.

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