    why those whose leading us dont get punish or executed when they commit wrong doing but if the lowly one committed wrong doing right on the spot they get thrown in jail or prosecuted

    just england, france, belgium alone if we count all those leaders in the government committed wrong doing, we dont see them get punish, if we are on their place they even send the whole brigade of military, the police or gendarmairie to assure we are caught, im talking of people here who dont have bad records ever but if they caught a professional killers, ex-convict went to jail just few years then out and repeated same thing his status didnt change, just few years, while the innocent one just because its the first time they got life sentence, where is the difference

    +3  Views: 310 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    Good question

    5 Answers

    Its a known fact, the innocent always suffer for guilty. Goverment makes rules to suit themselves, and Goverment can get away with any thing  it seems. In your list of countrys, you can also include Ireland. When it comes to increases, the rich and poor, have to pay the same.which is very unfair,  trying to make up for the Bankers, that caused alot of the problums. When someone at top retires, they get big lump sum. Pooor person goes of suffering.


    Boy, did you hit THAT on the nose.
    In the US your fate in court is decided on how much money you can spend to defend yourself. A sad situation.

    Thank you TSC, court is a no, no, for poor person, unless he/she can get legal aid, and to get that, a person would have to be , almost living in card board box.   I wish I could hit them on head.!

    We have a very unfair justice System. Good example- the OJ. Simpson case Where everyone knew he was guilty and had evidence to prove it. He was able to buy his freedom. P)eople on the other hand who do not have that kind of money and are accused of a crime have virtually no chance. Many innocent people were convicted and sent to jail. No, nothing has happened to the banks, Wallstreet and Mortage companies who are the cause of our financial crisies.Our Government is getting away with all theire spending and waste. Rich people pay less in taxes than a person working for minimum wage. It is frustrating when you see all these things that are wrong with our country and no one is doing anything about it.

    tsc you and dollybird are correct,perfect example is casey anthony....i still wonder who paid for for the a---hole that defended her.

    Its all to do with Bloody Goverments the innocent always suffer and never get Justise  As I have commented on this before on anothet thread there is no Justise  its JUST US

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