    Dolphin - was it in pain or just having a quiet moment

    Last night I heard a quite loud type sqeal type noise - different to the usual sounds ofthe birds where I live. Shortly after, I heard the sound of something in the marina water and waited to see whether it was a seal or a dolphin. It was a dolphin which came closer, but very slowly, constantly puffing through its spout. It was not rolling in the way that dolphins usually do. Maybe it was just having a quiet moment, but it moved very very slowly towards where I stood on my pontoon, then it moved slowly away.

    0  Views: 511 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

     There's no way of knowing if the  dolphin was in pain or having a quite moment. However, I doubt it  the dolphin was  enjoying a (relaxing) quite moment if you heard it squealing a few minutes earlier and it's constantly puffing through its spout.

     I've looked up signs of  illness and distress in dolphins, but I couldn't find anything related to the symptoms you mentioned.

     ( I would like to think positive thoughts here, maybe the dolphin was in labour)

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