    how would acetone poison get into a apartment

    0  Views: 692 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    Acetone is not an illegal product here in the USA, why wouldn't it be in an apartment??  I have a 32 oz can myself! I use it for several things,  My wife just like jhharlan  states, uses it as nail polish remover.  Cleans glass windshields better than any product out there (disclaimer: Be very careful, it also will remove paint from your car.)  Don't pour it in a plastic container though. LOL!

    I had a bottle in my apartment and my roommate turned it on it’s side and it leaked out! Now, how am I gonna take the polish off of my nails?

    Via the paint!

    This site for chemical safety provides data sheets by subject...

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