    Tell me what you think the worst case scenario would be if the government shut down.

    Would it effect you in any way? If so, how? What if it couldn't be resolved within a timely manner? Also, what would you do if we became a hyperinflated nation? Are you preparing for something like that?

    +3  Views: 3869 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    Absolutely nothing.  My city will be functioning like it always has:  non-functional.  Hahahaha!


    Great question cross, you have my vote on this one. Most if not all people would be affected one way or another. No garbage pickup? No cops or emergency services? Teachers? Depends who goes to work when it shuts down. It seems like the the Fed. government was shut down........ we may be better off. A hyper inflated economy would severely affect everyone. A days work for a loaf of bread. Many people would have trouble just feeding themselves not to mention their family.


    Are YOU DEAMING? The government only WORKS, sits, LESS than half a year. And your wrong, people would / will adapt very quickly. What do you think happens during lets say "England WW2". Bombed nightly! Mr. Churchill, or the royals... never pick up a single brick! France, Berlin. There's an adjustment period,[chous briefly] butt people pull together and get through it.


    People should really invest in gold and silver. It may be the only real currency left after a while. Paper bills are on their way out. Just look at how low our currency is now!


    I would love to agree with you 52cantameters, but that very well may not be the case in this point in time. Look at the rest of the world as well. Do you think things will get better anytime soon? The news reports that the econemy won't get better for another 28 years. That is a very far projection. Congress (Republicans) is also looking into a balanced budget proposal. I really hope that the Democrats jump on board with this. it was shot down once, but I hope that they will see beyond the parties by looking after it's people.


    Actually, it's not north and south America, but all of north america; Canada/Mexico/America.. the North American Union.


    Yes, it's only going to get worse, I've heard talk about the government going to an Amero-Dollar, that includes North and South America, but things will have to get much worse first. When every dollar in every nation hits the crapper, that may finally get peoples attention.

    Are YOU DEAMING? The government only WORKS, sits, LESS than half a year. And your wrong, people would / will adapt very quickly. What do you think happens during lets say... "England WW2". Bombed nightly! Mr. Churchill, or the royals... never pick up a single brick! France, Berlin. There's an adjustment period,[chaos briefly] butt people pull together and get through it. You DON"T NEED the government, it's forced Upon you. They are way over staffed, inefficient, wasteful, barely competent. Their REAL job is to set business rules, implement large costly endeavours [infrastructures], Maintaining securities [military], and police. The rest of what they mostly DO, is come up with NEW WAYS to pick your pocket.Are YOU DEAMING? The government only WORKS, sits, LESS than half a year. And your wrong, people would / will adapt very quickly. What do you think happens during lets say... "England WW2". Bombed nightly! Mr. Churchill, or the royals... never pick up a single brick! France, Berlin. There's an adjustment period,[chaos briefly] butt people pull together and get through it. You DON"T NEED the government, it's forced Upon you. They are way over staffed, inefficient, wasteful, barely competent. Their REAL job is to set business rules, implement large costly endeavours [infrastructures], Maintaining securities [military], and police. The rest of what they mostly DO, is come up with NEW WAYS to pick your pocket.

    All new beginnings have uncertain endings. best not to worry.. =] much love


    What do you mean? How can you use that in referece to the question?


    Haha I don't think I thought it through before i wrote that. I meant, there is a lot of confusion in the air about what's going to happen.. the confusion is deliberate, and the 'government' is creating it. Confusion is there to blur the understanding of a new beginning.. it is the possibility of being free from their psychological, physical and spiritual warfare.. this is the case if you free yourself from their tight grip of fear and allow yourself to be spiritually awakened.


    One name: Somalia!

    Are YOU DEAMING? The government only WORKS, sits, LESS than half a year. And your wrong, people would / will adapt very quickly. What do you think happens during lets say... "England WW2". Bombed nightly! Mr. Churchill, or the royals... never pick up a single brick! France, Berlin. There's an adjustment period,[chaos briefly] butt people pull together and get through it. You DON"T NEED the government, it's forced Upon you. They are way over staffed, inefficient, wasteful, barely competent. Their REAL job is to set business rules, implement large costly endeavours [infrastructures], Maintaining securities [military], and police. The rest of what they mostly DO, is come up with NEW WAYS to pick your pocket.

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