    has anyone arranged their own funeral?i have though hope i dont need it for a few years.

    one day ill definitely use it and know its going to be just how id like it

    +6  Views: 1683 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: death

    6 Answers

    No arrangements. Just cremation. No ceremony, no gathering, no one even has to pick up the ashes.


    I think that's the way I'd like it too Collen.I don't like all the fuss at funerals.I've always told my wife (Jokingly)if it happens on a Tuesday (Trash collection day)feel free to stuff me in the bin.It'll be a lot cheaper & I won't know the difference.

    Cremation for me and no funeral either. My philosophy is: If you want to see me, then you should've seen my happy a** when I was alive!

    Remember the song Dust In the Wind

    I agree with this as well. ... I have decided that my ashes should be somewhere... a place that I love but, it really is not a big deal.

    My mother arranged her own funeral and pre-paid for it too. She dragged me to the funeral home with her one day when she was in her 80s. Then, after she finished the business end of it, she turned to me and happily said, " Well. shall we go  look at caskets ? "   I said,  " I guess so, but looking at caskets isn't my favorite activity ''  She said it's not anybody's favorite activity.

    I'll have to arrange mine, b/c there's no one to do it. I think people should plan their own funeral anyway. I'm going to write down what hymns I want sung, and what songs I want the soloist to sing, if there is one. My aunt stipulated in her will that she wanted a certain poem read at her funeral.

    My mother has.

    Cremation costs way less. My husband wanted his ashes spread by some trees in our yard which I thought i would find creepy. But I don't. We also buried half of him in a cemetery plot. Our daughters wishes so she would have somewhere to go visit. My husband was an organ donar and so am I so I will be cremated and buried in the same plot another cost saving tip you can put three cremated bodies in the same plot. Also We had a huge rock in our yard, about 4 ft. tall and 3 feet wide, It was beautiful granite. I had a stone carver work on it and for $2000.00 I had a beautiful headstone. much cheaper. So to reply to your question Yes my funeral wishes are planned 

    I don't have anything specific arranged, but I have specified where I want to be buried.

     Well if YOU Want a Funeral U Could Stab A Knife In Ur Heart And Leave Letter saying '' Please burry me. I feel very sad that i will not be with you today but i want to know how a funral feels and looks like and i also died so i wont be there doing the work.''  Hahaha That was Wierd wasnt it? :D


    well you got that right! Weird!

    Yes. Three years after you wrote this... yes. Weird does apply.

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