    Why did we vote for barack obama?

    +1  Views: 1922 Answers: 27 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: vromies

    27 Answers

    WE didnt.
    Because he ran on "Change we can belief in" Our country is now
    worst off than before and we are going bankrupt.

    You are going bankrupt,because you earn less.
    thank you miss colleen. you have a way with words. : )

    LOL, so I've been told.
    i thought mc cain was too old and his running mate was sarah palin and i thought she was too ... too ... too ... i have lost words here.

    Idiotic? Scarey? Dumb? Uneducated? Uninformed? Goofy? Is that enough or do you need more?

    You don't like her do you Colleen? LOL!! I like her, I think she's hot! After all, many people voted for Obama becaue they thought he was hot..

    I do not vote according to looks and anyone who votes that way should have their voting rights stripped from them.
    Who is we?
    because he genuinely cares about the human race.
    because he genuinely cares about the human race.
    Headless Man

    I human, and I don't need him.
    Whats with the WE kimosabe.

    gotta agree with you there TU
    We in australia have been wondering that ourselves...... You guys normally seem smarter than that.

    WE are smart. We don't want 4 more years of Republican rule. They brought us into a recession and thousands of people lost their jobs.
    Its really funny, Hawaii was a state of the United States until Obama became president. Now they're questioning whether he's a citizen of the US ? When did we stop recognizing Hawaii as a state?

    We recognize Hawaii as a state but we don't recognize Obama as being born there, can you put this to rest? he won't show his birth certificate. Personally I could care less, I just thing that the president of the united states should authenticate this as is is a requirement that every president in the past has had to do.. Even a new worker at McDonalds must prove he is a US citizen..

    Vinney, get a life. He's proved his citizenship a number of times
    Because I think he's an honest man that really cares for us, the people. His intentions are to really make necessary changes for our lives to be better. The problem is congress blocking, heehawing at every change he's trying to make. You can't get 5 men to agree on the same thing, so you say you have hundreds in congress all agreeing?'s bi-partisanship. The republicans do not care about us, the people. We must get this in our heads. They care aboout the bottom line..Money! If they truly cared some these issues would have been taken care of years ago.
    Please explain to me ..whats wrong with everybody in America having health insurance? Why not?

    as long as everbody can afford it I'm fine with that but Idon't like busting my ass everyday to pay for other people because they don't want to work..

    Way too much MSNBC...
    Headless Man

    The government isn't supposed to be our MA MA we can take care of ourselves and the government get out of the way.

    another right wingers remarks.
    when you say"we" in your question, that didn't include me
    I think they put something in the water that caused temporally insanity.
    WE didnt.
    The nation is infested with too many fools. Idiots who lack the grey matter to THINK with a degree of intelligence.
    "WE" didn't.
    I'll keep my guns, freedom & money, YOU keep the "change"!
    because he was the smartest of the ones running.

    This is of course debatable, you do know that?? :)

    I'm debating.....he was and is not smart. He's a dud who can only speak eloquently but this does not mean he understands what he's saying.
    he was the first alphabetically so.....isn't that why we all did?
    remember 1 in 5 r mentally defctive
    and that plan includes Zyklon B
    he is just one big poof the US president!
    I voted for Mcain cuz I think he has a plan for us!
    IDK...there is no good husain!
    Given the state of affairs both at home and overseas at the time of election, OBAMA was the answer. We should be happy that he's meeting all the challenges positively. United States in being viewed favourably overseas, and, the economy is recovering gradually.


    You are obviously not an american.. This is not the way 'most' Americans see him at this time. Even some 'level headed' democrats are admitting they made a mistake, its the kool-aid drinkers that still refuse to see the damage done.

    Please list some of the challenges he's met that's been a positive for this nation.
    I can't imagine the USA having a worse president. Give me three Hillaries, and how can dcart make such a ridiculous answer
    i think they voted for him because he was a black. so token voting at its best

    sounds a lot like jealousy to me try to get over it and go on with your life.

    BS. I voted for him because he's for the people. Unlike the republicans who are for the oil industry and all their crooks.

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