    What about the "NWO" that's about to happen?

    I have heard about the Federal Reserve and how it's full of banking "fat cats" that want to control the world. Yes, this may sound crazy, but if it were found true, would you be interested in fighting it? The situation is just this, IT'S TRUE. There is monumental truth to this and I have it. Just look up the names of other people with research in this area such as: Gerald Celente, Dr. Robert Bowman, G. Edward Griffin, Dr. Francis A. Boyle, Max Keiser, Wayne Madsen, George Humphrey, Alan Watt, Alex Jones, and John Perkins. I guess the question is, would you join a revolution if I started one? Let's take over America again, and put the power in the hands of the people.

    +5  Views: 4429 Answers: 24 Posted: 13 years ago

    Your a lot more SLOWER than, a little SLOW! On the "UP take" TNWO is part of bible prophesy. It's A single WORLD GOVERNMENT! The United Nations has proved to BE a total failure, a waste of money. If the united States Goes it alone much longer... they WILL BE Attacked again, like 9/11. PLUS they can NO Longer afford to police the world, dollar wise. Too many problems, Too many fronts. Hitler's BIG mistake! Your probably an atheist, so your FULL of rhetoric. Butt clueless! Not hard to figure out... prophecies are just that! They WILL COME TO PASS, whether you like it or understand it.


    I didn't SLOW as in stupid. SORRY! I meant people reject the OPEN MIND. People embrace ONE Dogma or, the other. I'm nondenominational Christian. I embrace Hinduism, Buddhism,etc... There are 13 main truths / faiths / religions. Each has a morsel [ingredient] of truth! I haven't found THE ONE Truth. So it's like a balanced diet...LOL, little this, little that. Nice meal... lol, by the way whats for JUST DESERTS ?


    You CAN"T SEE the forest for the trees, NOR the trees for the leaves. Proof your ASS-[H]UNP-TION. DO your own home work ! IT"S not a folking classroom DEBATE !


    No, I am not an Atheist nor am I slow, but I think your a bit clueless. Where do you get off to say that there is a single world government? We have the UN which oversee's the nations of the world, YES. We have our own government which oversee's our country. Can you provide proof and examples of that proof to me that there is a WORLD GOVERNMENT? I don't think you can! I do agree with one point you made. If we continue on this track, we very well may be taken over. That is if our friends in other countries let us hang. I like your comments, but not the unnessissary insults.


    So your the type of person that takes what he likes from a subject, damned the rest? You only hear what you want to hear! I know how to deal with people like that too. I only try to alert others, and fight a problem. I am here, not over some theories, but over the facts. The problome is that you just want to seem smart by mouthing off when in fact you just don't know. It's ok to admit it.


    What is "NWO"


    Thank you for your response. Gotcha, New World Order!


    check out "f.e.m.a.' concentration camps more proof that its coming soon

    24 Answers

    The New World Order (NWO)

    There is a worldwide conspiracy being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential group of genetically-related individuals (at least at the highest echelons) which include many of the world's wealthiest people, top political leaders, and corporate elite, as well as members of the so-called Black Nobility of Europe (dominated by the British Crown) whose goal is to create a One World (fascist) Government, stripped of nationalistic and regional boundaries, that is obedient to their agenda. Their intention is to effect complete and total control over every human being on the planet and to dramatically reduce the world's population by 5.5 Billion people. While the name New World Order is a term frequently used today when referring to this group, it's more useful to identify the principal organizations, institutions, and individuals who make up this vast interlocking spiderweb of elite conspirators.

    The Illuminati is the oldest term commonly used to refer to the 13 bloodline families (and their offshoots) that make up a major portion of this controlling elite. Most members of the Illuminati are also members in the highest ranks of numerous secretive and occult societies which in many cases extend straight back into the ancient world. The upper levels of the tightly compartmentalized (need-to-know-basis) Illuminati structural pyramid include planning committees and organizations that the public has little or no knowledge of. The upper levels of the Illuminati pyramid include secretive committees with names such as: the Council of 3, the Council of 5, the Council of 7, the Council of 9, the Council of 13, the Council of 33, the Grand Druid Council, the Committee of 300 (also called the "Olympians") and the Committee of 500 among others.


    That's some good research you did. Just twenty two hours ago, you didn't know what "NWO" was. These people are all too real, and ready to put their plan into action. They have already starting the gears in motion, starting with the stock market. I am putting together a turnkey plan myself, but I need support and help with it.


    You're right, Cross. When in doubt check it out. By doing this research we can see a pattern. Ex: republicans cater to wealthy and corporate interests, republicans plan to bust "unions" nationwide, cutting subsidies for low-income families,food-programs for urban and rural children, cuts for homeless vets, seniors through ss & medicare, need I say more. As you can see this is a direct assault on the poor and middle-class people, in other words get rid of them by any means necessary.

    All said above, A lot of us wants to blame President Obama. THE SAD FACT IS, THIS IS BIGGER THAN OBAMA!!!


    <a href="/users/1111/randy-palmer/">@Randy</a> - It's not about "DEBT" and "CUTTING-SPENDING". This is a smoke screen to what's really going on!!!

    Headless Man

    We need too cut spending, 14000000000000 in debt some programs are going to be cut and some will need to do with less, even the ones on top, otherwise the dollar will be worthless.

    Headless Man

    IamPamela313 - I did some research and have seen this before. If you are talking about end-times, it's going to happen no matter what we do. But we need to live within our budgets until then.

    papa peg

    People read this article about NEW WORLD ORDER.It is a true article.I have told a lot of people some listen some don't

    strong text@ Randy Palmer - I rec'd your answer. But, I don't see it on the wall.

    Your answer: IamPamela313 - I did some research and have seen this before. If you are talking about end-times, it's going to happen no matter what we do. But we need to live within our budgets until then.

    I'm not talking about end-times, that's another story. Look at what's happening "NOW"! True, we must live within our means. It's one thing to say, I have champagne taste, and root beer pockets. On the other hand, no jobs, rents too damn high, gas prices on the rise, food prices skyrocketing.

    So, Randy tell me what to do think while all this is happening, the wealthy and super rich are being "UNSCAVED"!!!


    Inflation, and it will become so great that only gold and silver tender will hold any real value. I have seen IamPamela313 around the other rooms, and what she sais (most of the time) I agree with.

    Headless Man

    Thats what happens when the government prints money and de-values the dollar. Most rich will feel the affect also (500,000 or more), except they can put their cash in Gold or Silver or many other things that the average person can't. ( if there are to many comments on a message you need to click on see more at the bottom, my comment was there.)

    Headless Man

    ME too, Cross.

    What's the next step!!!


    NWO is the NEW WORLD ORDER. If you ever watch the news, the presdient of the federal reserve as well as President Obama say it all the time. More info if you would like...


    What is the reason for your revolt?

    google ..FEMA concentration camps and trains..were much closer than you think.. but no worries here, we know whos in charge

    A revolt at the ballet box was seen in 2010, we need another in 2012 (peacefully). Vote the bums out of both parities.


    Government has no problems in killing innocent American lives. People that just wish to serve their country. They also have no worries about bankrupting the middle class, and putting people out on the streets. Do you think that a demonstration is all that needs to be done? I am not talking about changing the government, I am talking about taking it over again. That is, unless you like living in 16th century England. The whole reason for breaking away was to give the power to the people, but we all know that the power we are given is just an illusion. We need action, NOW!


    First off, let me say that people CAN govern themselves. It's just that right now, people are so caught up with there personal lives of going to work and watching TV that they are just too uneducated about what's happening around them. That brings me to my next point! If people don't know, or don't care, what our representatives are doing, then that let's our representatives run wild like they are now. Let me ask you this. What if people were alerted to what our representatives are doing, could we govern then? The idea that people are not people is just rediculous.


    For once, I agree with the statment you put down. How would Amarica benifit from a dictatorship? Because I have to tell you, we are living in a form of a dictatorship now. Yes, we have choices! The choices that they allow us to have. Tell me this, if we are so free, why does the government try to make every good idea take so long, and every bad idea so fast to accept? Since the beginning of democracy in Rome, the time it took to disband it was around two hundred years. Sound familiar? That is where we are at right now.


    Randy, who in government would you like to see out of office? I am just curious?


    i completely agree with you. Too much of this nonsence has been going on and for far too long. Thank you for your comment.

    Headless Man

    People cannot govern they need representatives to do that. That is why we vote people in to represent us. If the people in office aren't doing the job vote them out. THATS THE AMERICAN WAY.

    Headless Man

    People are people, that's the problem. Name one country where people govern themselves, they end up with a dictator or king.
    Our country was set up as a representative country for a reason, so the majority can rule, problem is the majority like you said would rather sit home and not watch the news or wait for their welfare check. I think there was some good people put in there last election, give them some time then put allot more in next time.

    Headless Man

    I agree we are at the 200 year mark were things start to fall apart, but just because history shows that to be true it doesn't need to be that way. We can set a new threshold and reverse the bad things going on. We just need to VOTE THE BUMBS OUT.

    Headless Man

    Anyone who votes to change the constitution (without an amendment) would be out.
    Examples, Gun rights, free press, free speech, religious freedom, etc.
    There are some things that should be changed, Government getting into our lives every day with rules and taxes, and raising their wages whenever they want.
    Government job is to save us from harm and harassment.

    united we stand divided we fall a N.W.O relies on people fighting amongst themselves, it makes their job easier, to change the world we have to change our slay the dragon we don't attack the tail.

    I think the nwo is an idea and is constantly changing like a chess board. They have think tanks decades ahead of us thinking of every possible scenario so one day it may seem that real freedom is making a come back the next it seems hopeless, or perhaps that's how it's suppose to seem and it's hopeless or it's in the bag and we have no real control and everyone is being woke up or put to sleep permanently exept for the 70 IQ crowd. One thing is for sure and that is something is happening and I hope it's a good thing because this world sucks at this point and the people running it can't be as stupid as they seem.


    RODGER WILLCOE, butt nether... over OR out. THE NWO has been in progress since the end of WW2 ! Butt Hitler had the same idea. Hitler was a hundred years ahead of his time. [Guided bombs, ICBMs, encryption's, missiles, rockets, tanks, V2s, U-boats, etc, etc!

    Roger Willcoe

    Secret Societies have been working to this end for thousands of years. Hitler was just another puppet. Words have different meanings to them if you dissect them you begin to see what they are really saying to each other in their "spelling". Who did that in the Caucasus Mountains thousands of years ago? This world is a matrix.

    I will be the 1st volunteer!


    What is the reason for your revolt?

    First off, Alex Jones, and I assume you are talking about the guy from, is a nut. Secondly, about the revolt: That is what the network is for; committing savage acts of renaissance, and gaining allies for a worthy cause. And it has been proven to work in the past. It says in the Constitution that we have the right to overthrow the government if they become too corrupt. And if you want to know with on what authority we hail from as denizens of the net, just look at this website:


    Thanks for the site, I will check it out.

    I will join you for revolution ....need change our system for improve our living for next generation children.......Many student have graduate from good university....could not catch any good job....make no sense at all...called fraud from Government.


    What state do you live in? Gather support for this, and most of all stay strong. The day for revolt is near.

    Interesting question, I just wanted to bring it back to the front page for those who haven't seen it, or who may want to comment on it.

    Lots of good answers and points up there!!! I do think there are some things left that have to happen first. The credit card companies will have to tighten up their belts and start declining people credit, going after people who owe in court. The inflation rate will have to go much higher, which it's on it's way! The dollar will have to fail, that is also on it's way, but not there quite yet. Also the monetary systems of other countries will have to fail as well.

    I think once the world realizes that it's in an economic depression (which were not there yet),that will pave the way for the one world government. There will be a huge rebellion against the governing bodies of the world, which is starting, but only in it's infancy.

    I think you all have good points. M.L.K. was an activist, but he encouraged a peaceful protest. We aren't always supposed to just sit at home and hope and pray that things get better. Sometimes we do have to take a stand and get our hands dirty, because we love our country. The government is failing all of us. Notice all the cameras going up everywhere? They are preparing, to control the public even more. If we DO stand in revolt, we must be careful of what falls into that void and what form of government is left behind. If most of the Money systems fail allover the world, if the dollar fails, then eventually we will have a one world currency. Bringing in the N.W.O.


    Your answer brings up a good point. What kind of government is there to stive for? I know, how about the one that was started during the signing of the D.O.I.? Our origional leaders saught it when breaking free from England. The leaders in this country lost track of the values that were put into place, and we need to bring those values back. Even if it includes force! They are too concentrated on the amounts in their bank accounts. Government officials get a pay off here, and a kickback there. It's all tied together. The greed, deception, and I would go as far as to say theft must end


    it's happening all over the place. Stories just like that and worse. Fishing should be free.


    I spent a day at a city government facility getting a 150 dollar permit to fence on one side of a small property. There is no freedom in that. You need a permit to catch the governments fish. Fishing should be free, they don't own the fish.They are bleeding us dry. It's just ridiculous the taxes and fee's we pay. We have way to much government and they are wasting our hard earned money.

    Well I would think that each person who has contributed any postings about taxes , NWO , tax revolt, military industrial machine, or any thing the powers that be are now on someones watch list as a person of interest.

    I like the chemtrails best.


    What's with you and the Chemtrails, lol?

    Everybody talking NEW WORLD ORDER.Matter of fact their all talking OBAMA for president of N.W.O. So don't be surprised in 2012.


    PAPA PIG LOL. OH BummA, was put in power. AS A PUPET! to usher in THE NWO. He ran against a WOMAN! Hillary Clinton, that guaranteed his election. "Hillary" had an Ice cubs chance in a blast furnace. By 2012 "AH BUMMer", will have screwed the U S A so deep in dept with health care.[HIS legacy] and other DUMB decisions, at the most inappropriate time. The U S, is almost 2 Trillion DUS... in dept to CHINA ALONE!


    Obama is just a puppet, he is not the leader. What I can do for you is direct you to research the Jeckle Island Meeting.

    Headless Man

    They thought Clinton would rule the world too. I believe there will be a N. W. O. when Jesus returns, just hope he's the first King of the World.

    <a href="/users/2725/cross/">@Cross</a>

    umm, you must have me mistaken for someone else, because I never called you the devil. My intention is not to argue, but to teach. My point is simply you can't fight fire with fire because it won't put out the flames. I should remind you that I'm in no way religious, nor do I subscribe to anything of the sort, but I am very well informed on all things conspiracy or otherwise, and I don't mean to brush it off. But I see it for it's true value which is to instill fear, and render you useless. When I see anger, I see fear. Turn the other cheek is not what I'm preaching there sir, but until you're in a position to cause reasonable action then a revolt is meaningless and will do nothing. We all have a role to play in this world, and you would do better to figure out what your role is by looking inward, which involves first accept what's happening, and stop being angry.

    PAPA PIG LOL. OH BummA, was put in power. AS A PUPET! to usher in THE NWO. He ran against a WOMAN! Hillary Clinton, that guaranteed his election. "Hillary" had an Ice cubs chance in a blast furnace. By 2012 "AH BUMMer", will have screwed the U S A so deep in dept with health care.[HIS legacy] and other DUMB decisions, at the most inappropriate time. The U S, is almost 2 Trillion DUS... in dept to CHINA ALONE!

    I didn't SLOW as in stupid. SORRY! I meant people reject the OPEN MIND. People embrace ONE Dogma or, the other. I'm nondenominational Christian. I embrace Hinduism, Buddhism,etc... There are 13 main truths / faiths / religions. Each has a morsel [ingredient] of truth! I haven't found THE ONE Truth. So it's like a balanced diet...LOL, little this, little that. Nice meal... lol, by the way whats for JUST DESERTS ?


    You CAN"T SEE the forest for the trees, NOR the trees for the leaves. Proof your ASS-[H]UNP-TION. DO your own home work ! IT"S not a folking classroom DEBATE !

    RODGER WILLCOE, butt nether... over OR out. THE NWO has been in progress since the end of WW2 ! Butt Hitler had the same idea. Hitler was a hundred years ahead of his time. [Guided bombs, ICBMs, encryption's, missiles, rockets, tanks, V2s, U-boats, etc, etc!] It has always BEEN, just a matter of time. THE NEXT PHASE... The MARK of the beast. The millitary has a MARK CARD ! The next generation of SMART CARDS, then imbedded chips AT BIRTH !~~~~This AH HA! Moment, brought to you by... THE NEW WORLD ORDER!

    Your a lot more SLOWER than, a little SLOW! On the "UP take" **


    is part of bible prophesy. It's A single WORLD GOVERNMENT! The United Nations has proved to BE a total failure, a waste of money. If the United States Goes it alone much longer... they WILL BE Attacked again, like 9/11. PLUS they can NO Longer afford to police the world, dollar wise. Too many problems, Too many fronts. Hitler's BIG mistake! Your probably an atheist, so your FULL of rhetoric. Butt clueless! Not hard to figure out... prophecies are just that**! They WILL COME TO PASS, whether you like it or understand it.


    Your a crack pot. You dare to judge me? Get your facts strait! I know what the bible says, I grew up in the church. Stop spinning your anger at me. Will you fight it or sit on your hands?

    You seem to have a problem with my message of love; just consider that without love, you're not ready to handle a situation bigger than yourself. Without love, all you really desire is control, no different than them.. those are always harder on the devil that like to play God. =] But becoming the devil yourself is no way to rid the world of him.


    Look, I respect your words, but that doesn't mean that I have to agree with them. I understand what your saying, but love can come up after we fix the pieces that have been shattered. I think that it's you who can't hadle getting your hands dirty, first, and then love, second. There is an answer for every situation, and I try to educate myself in knowing what the best answer is. I loved my government ever since I was in the military. That is when I started to learn what it was all about, and I repected it. What they are doing is wronge, and action is required at this time, not talk.


    Oh, and to say I am a devil is hurtful. I did nothing to you, or disrespect you in any way. Why do it to me? We are having a debate about a subject, and it seems that your the one getting emotionally forcful. That just blows your whole "love" story out of the conversation. Kahn said it best," If you havn't committed great sins, GOD would not have sent a punishment like ME upon you." I grew up in the church, and I was told to turn the other cheek, so yes I understand you. But, how many times do you need to be hit before you've had enough?


    You have successfully contradicted yourself. I don't fear any man, and government, but I do fear GOD. If you see anger as fear in the way I previously presented it, your blinded by foolishness. Also, arguing is healthy, fighting is not. An argument is a discussion to people with different views on a subject, and accept the others view. A fight is when either side is trying to push their view on the other, and disreguarding any fact or opionion the other may have. So, you can take the peace sign of my car if you will, and see what you can do to make things better. And teach what? Love?


    umm, you must have me mistaken for someone else, because I never called you the devil. My intention is not to argue, but to teach. My point is simply you can't fight fire with fire because it won't put out the flames. I'm in no way religious, nor do I subscribe to anything of the sort, but I am very well informed on all things conspiracy or otherwise, and I don't mean to brush it off. But I see it for it's true value which is to instill fear, and render you useless. When I see anger, I see fear.


    Turn the other cheek is not what I'm preaching there sir, but until you're in a position to cause reasonable action then a revolt is meaningless and will do nothing. We all have a role to play in this world, and you would do better to figure out what your role is by looking inward, which involves first accept what's happening, and stop being angry.


    okay then im done 'fighting.' goodluck :]

    Yes start a revolt on a public forum; the web is crawling with programs/people that detect these things. I'm not saying it to scare you I say it because you have to get real and think. If you want to revolt, then do what they do not do, and choose to love, i mean truly love with your soul. Love your enemy. They do not love people, they love their selfish desires, and they are filled with hatred for people that have love, because it weakens their negative power. Even people like Alex Jones have as much negative impact as good because he spreads emotion, not love.

    Divine love is the only force that works, so to truly start a revolt, do the one thing that no one can ever in this life or the next deny to be true and real, or deny you. It is the staple on which propaganda stands. The cow that's milked by midnight imposters. The greatest human achievement. Do it. =] much love


    So your saying to just continue with things like nothings wrong? It's that type of soft hearted, easy going attitude that will get people hurt. Consider this, if your closest friend died as a direct result in the actions of the government, would you say the same thing? Let's make it more personal now, your family members. Would you still like to cozy up next to your representative then? If you wait a whole term, the catastrophic damage done may not be able to be reversed. Whould you risk that? As for this being a public forum, I want people to see it. What I say I mean.


    Amen, Randy! "WWJD", What Would Jesus Do. lol!!!

    Headless Man

    Yes, if they all loved like Jesus, the world would be a beautiful place. WWJD.


    I know you don't understand what I mean because you think that my way means to be passive, which is not my message. By all means take action when appropriate action presents itself. And I don't intend to say cozy up to the enemy, that is not the same as true divine love. When you have this kind of love, you will know what to do with it.


    I know you don't understand what I mean because you think that my way means to be passive, which is not my message. By all means take action when appropriate action presents itself. And I don't intend to say cozy up to the enemy, that is not the same as true divine love. When you have this kind of love, you will know what to do with it.

    Everyone has a different role to play in nature. Just follow your intuition, but don't be a slave to your emotions. =]

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