    What is the piece of wisdom that you could pass on to a child,?????

    +19  Views: 2325 Answers: 29 Posted: 13 years ago

    love this question thank you for all the good answers too

    Thank you so much jjbug.

    29 Answers

    Do not buy what you want. only what you need


    Amen on that LOL

    I say that to myself every time I go to the store. EVERY TIME.

    Ann - you are so right - how I wish this were me - I am not materialistic but since I retired got into this shopoholic thing buying endless amount of things off the TV - seeing something and would you believe what a joke thinking - "This will change my life" what a joke full of junk but everything to goes to charity in the end and until I move just clutters my life. I am stopping this now - feel shameful.

    dopey, I too bought a few things of the TV a while ago. Its nothing but junk. I stopped it right then and there. You can do it too. I dont watch much Tv anymore and I feel less anxious. I hate commercials and sites that try to tell you what you need.

    Don't Smoke.

    (Nice spelling DD)LOL


    I think there is a lot that the medical people don't know about nicotine. I don't smoke anymore but I've chewed Nicorette Gum for about 20 years.
    When I did quit smoking cold turkey I went kinda Catatonic. Scared my husband, I did.
    I'm Attention Deficit so that MIGHT have something to do with it.

    I still smoke but wish that I didn't.:(

    i wish i never did it. im quitting now for the fourth time! i made it today with only having three! good for me!

    Nice work jbug.keep it up.(What's your secret?)

    Yes children do not smoke not recommended but without smokers there would be no NHS the amount of tax given is phenomenol.
    Also how much pollution do children get outdoors?

    Never buy things on credit!!!!!!

    Jesus loves you.

    I  agree with all the above.


    Your son may not SING the words aloud, CB, but they are in his heart. This song may be the one that plays through his mind when he's having a bad day. Do you keep singing it? Just like some people hum, you could sing it, just a subtle reminder that you do "absentmindedly".

    Do all your homework, finish school and go onto further studies.

    Jesus loves me that I know.

    For the Bible tells me so.

    Little ones to him belong;

    They are weak but He is strong.

    Yes, Jesus loves me (3X).

    The Bibile tells me so.

    country bumpkin

    I sang this to my son almost every day when he was a little boy. Now he is 17 and won't sing it even if I beg him too. *~*

    CB Thank you for sharing with me. Don't worry. The message is in his mind. Pray for him. Jesus loves him. Ben

    for country bumpkin: taught my son to say yes maam and no maam too and fi cant get him to say those two little words. i feel your pain! ps he loved that song. help me pray hell come back to church hes 16 and 6ft4 i cant get him to do much these days. he has figured out i cant spank him anymore! lol

    All of the above and to treat ppl with respect, don't do drugs and get a GOOD education.


    Good answer Spacey lol

    Thanks so much, Mel.

    Spacy, love your answer. Very accurate and simple.

    Thank you varon, I use the KISS principle, KEEP IT SHORT AND SIMPLE.

    wish my parents would have told me this! they never said anything

    Sorry to hear that jjbug, but if you have kids or plan to, make sure you pass it on to your children. jjbug, I do believe that you are a GOOD, upstanding person.

    Look after your self esteem and always be kind, caring and understanding to your fellow man. 


    Right on dopey.

    life on earth is short enjoy it there is no peace on this earth witout JESUS


    Do you not think Jesus needs just a LITTLE help.

    we need jesus. this was two thoughts I ran together

    do unto others as you want unto you!

    Listern to you parents and learn how to respect your selve and others and dont for get to say a preyer and always look after Animals and be kind to them

    Don't depend on anyone,make your own way,you'll feel better about yourself.

    Treat other people the way you want to be treated  aka The Golden Rule

    "Respect your elders" be a good person be a giver not a taker.I was brouhgt up that way by my father a hard working man "AYE" "Laddie "Respect"


    Great answer.

    Also true my friend.

    Dows, that is the way I was brought up too. I wish we could go back in time.

    Ann .We have great memoirs .My mind wonders now and again to my childhood days playing football with my father fishing ,singing .It brings a lump to my throat. happy days ANN.

    All I choose is happiness for me now.

    always think before you speak or act on something. you never know when you may be entertaining angels. also only believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.

    good question,probably be true to yourself

    Don't do one damn thing I did, if I catch you doing what I did i will kick your little butt to the moon.


    good answer. we probably have alot in common!

    Don't grow up, it don't get any


    You got that right Randy.

    you teach people how to treat you. respect yourself.

    All of the above plus...

    Never trust men!


    not all men are bad yobo,

    I am a good guy, Yobo

    dirtyden and varon excepted?

    AMEN SISTER! just sayin...

    I dunno,I think I can be trusted.I am very sympathetic to womens issues.When you live in a house full of women you get that way.LOL

    Maybe I can trust you, Tommy. Let me consult with my girlfriends first.
    Headless Man

    You mean you can trust women..........?

    I think that Dirty Den ,is of the niccest and most inteligent young men on here,

    Keep an open mind taste life as it really is and till your  children.

    Pray to GOD as you would talk to a friend.  Depend on HIM always and know that HE has your best interests in mind.  Even if you don't understand, the answers will come in time. 

    So many times I have had questions.  Some have been given an answer and others are yet to be answered but don't lose patience.  Just trust HIM.


    I wonder if homeless people who prayed to God still pray to him while they live in the streets. Wisdom or wise advice would be, learn how to take care of yourself because no one else is going to, not even God. If God actually took care of starving and homeless people, then your suggestion might work.

    "Ultimately, YOU are responsible for YOUR actions, and the consequences will be YOURS."
    Children learn what they live.  That's a big reminder to anyone who has children, grandchildren, or close contact on a regular basis with children.  

    ......and don't forget to change yer underwear!!!""


    You have big bloomers Lindiou,

    ...these actually belong to cousin Helga...she's related to the Zeppelins of Albaquirky in Noova Scootia!

    spend plenty of time asking questions. you wont find alot of things out unless you ask questions.  i spent too much time alone without asking them and i regret it. especially after dad passed away


    Look left then look right then cross the road..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..""

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