22 Answers
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
I had a German shepard who passedi in dec. He was my man... good a gold and followed every comand. then our pomeranian passed 3 weeks ago. for what I am looking for in a pet the pom is what I need. Someone to cuddle and baby... we are getting 2 more tomorrow.... Khoda and Chloe.... Cant wait.
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
I had a Golden Retrevor and she was such a beautiful friend. It was so sad the day I had to take her to the vet and have her life ended to stop her pain. She just looked up at me and closed her eyes. Some day I will get another and hope it will be as faithful as Bonnie
14 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
Thanks veterano1.. A dog becomes part of a family and it hurts so much when this happins. I also had an Irish |Setter years ago. Beautiful dog but a bit mad in the head lol
Something like this happened to me as well Friendindeed. I had a Irish Setter years ago and he got hit by a vehicle and had his legs&hip broken. I had to put him down, it was one of the saddest moments in my life, I cried.
My favorite Is a Black German Shepard.Raised them for 30 years.Would like to find a black female puppy
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
where are you at Papa... we get them at the ASPCA too oftem.. ppl see a fuzzy little play thing and dont realize they are going to get really big.. they get turned in all the time. We just had three adopt out recently.
13 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
and when I go in to see her she talks to me I often take her for her walk and one day we were in the woods we came across a Deaf man and he couldnt say sheep dog so he called her WOOL DOG so now she is known as the wool dog. Laddie was a special dog you must have been so proud of him god bless him thanks for the info on Laddie paws for ever x
My other neighbor had a Siberian Husky, in S.FL, the summers were tough for her, she used to howl and bark all mixed together I swear she could say I love you, it was weird and she was such a sweet dog.
I had a half Belgium, half German Shepard growing up, she was the best, loyal protective, great with us kids, we had many other dogs, but she was my favorite. I agree that jr's are great as well, very energetic, my old business partner had one, he was great. He used to jump off the walls chasing a ball or laser, was great with a basketball also, good catch player.
13 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
our JR are all lap dogs and mousers. they are so calm it is rediculous. well until ther is a loud noise or rain then they are a ball of nerves.... you thin kthey may shake into a million pieces.
Jack Russell
14 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
I have a 13 yr old JR... my dad has bred them for over 40 yrs. She is the last of her line. You can not ask for a better friend... BUT.... THE SHEDDING! it is terrible.
If you are a first time dog owner i would suggest a smaller, lower maintenance dog like a cavalier, because they are not high energy and are friendly with near enough everyone. the only problem may be the grooming or the malting.
theres my advice :)
13 years ago. Rating: 7 | |