    why afreica always have problems among themeselves whether a civil war or famine, why they never solved their problems in their own country?

    Since i was a kid and still going to school, i already heard the problems of african countries and its inhabitants, now im grown and getting old and the problems didnt evaluate, instead it got worsts and why black people instead of ameliorating their problems, they import their problems to another part of the world

    +2  Views: 292 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    A society with people that breed like rabbits will be poor.  There is no genetic improvement.

    The darn droughts, pestilences, and insane rulers kept interferring.

    Too many despots ruling too many countries. Remember Idi Amin.

    Too much greed & not giving a dam about the ordinary struggling people.

    It should be the wealthiest continent on the planet with all of it's natural resources but all of the wealth has been gobbled up by a greedy few.

    ''instead it got worsts and why black people instead of ameliorating their problems, they import their problems to another part of the world' and quote. that comment comes off ignorant and somewhat racist,I see a lot of multicultural groups and races make some pretty dumb choices within their communities or countries.Must we make this solely about race???

    There is no other species on planet earth that's contributed so little to the advancement of the human race. That's all I'm going to say on the matter.



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