    are peruvians nice to their women

    0  Views: 448 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    With regards to personal characteristics, I have found men in Peru to be more affectionate than men from other countries. 

    For example, the majority are quick to hold your hand in public, put their arm around you in public, etc. 

    They also tend to be humorous and hard-working, as the “machismo” that reigns in Peru pushes them to be the bread makers of the family. However, this machismo also has its disadvantages. 

    While Peruvian men may be quick to show affection, they may be just as quick to expect their women to be domestic housekeepers, to not talk back, to follow along with what they want to do, etc. 

    While the level of machismo varies in each man, this way of thinking can cause women to feel disrespected and taken for granted. 

    In my opinion, I would say that Peruvian men do make good husbands IF there is good communication between both partners! This is essential as the machismo in Peru can lead to misunderstandings and resentment if women begin to feel a lack of respect or consideration from their partner. 

    If the man is willing to communicate and truly consider his wife’s opinions, that is a good man!

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    Yeah, but how do Scots treat their women? THAT'S what WE all wanna know. ;-)
    country bumpkin

    Shoot, I know I have one of the good men, gentle, sweet, loving and affectionate.
    Most men here treat their wives and children like crap. We have a couple of neighbors we can hear SCREAMING at their family (almost) on a daily basis calling them, stupid, idiots, bi**h etc.

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