    pekin firefighters

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    Pekin Illinois

    1 Answer

    he Pekin Fire Department is under the direction of Fire Chief Kurt Nelson, who plans, manages, supervises and directs operations of the Fire Department.  Through persistent training and situation-readiness, the Pekin Fire Department directs, plans, supervises and coordinates activities of firefighting, inspection and fire prevention, and emergency medical services. The department also coordinates inspection, fire code enforcement, fire prevention, community education, and fire and arson investigation. This ensures a safe and educated community. In 2013, the Fire Department responded to over 4,500 incidents. The emergency calls continue to increase for the department.

    Founded in 1860, the Pekin Fire, Department at this time is a 52-member, career, multi-service emergency response and life safety organization, protecting a community of 34,000 citizens in an area of 12.5 square miles. In addition, the Pekin Fire Department protects two fire protection districts: Brush Hill, a total coverage area of 15 square miles, to the east, and Powerton, 20 square miles, to the southwest, adding an additional 5,000 protected citizens.  The Pekin Fire Department also provides water rescue and emergency medical service to nearby lakes and adjacent portions of the Illinois River.

    The Pekin Fire Department provides fire suppression, fire prevention, rescue, safety education and emergency medical services. All department personnel are trained to at least the Emergency Medical Technician-Basic level, which includes skills in defibrillator use. 40 members of the department are trained to the Emergency Medical Technician-Intermediate or Paramedic level. In addition, the department is the lead department of the Tazewell County Hazardous Materials and Technical Rescue Team, with numerous personnel trained in both the Operations and Technician levels.

    The Pekin Fire Department is an ISO class 3 fire department. Members of the department are represented by Local 524 International Association of Firefighters.

    Pekin Fire Department Business Office 309-477-2388 - 3232 Court Street, Pekin, IL  61554

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