    How do I make Pop-Up Computer Ads NOT pop-up?

    0  Views: 331 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    Get a very large rubber mallet when that little guy in your computer pushes up that damn add wack the bejesus out of him . Pound him good put some sense into him . That might make the adds go away for as long as 30 seconds . If a permant solution is desired ,drop the computer in the dumpster and go have a large adult beverage .

    Go to Tools > Options > Content tab > check mark Block Pop up windows > OK

    I love the answer above by bluesman1951. His answer is closer to the truth even though Colleen's answer is 100% correct. Unfortunately there are some sites such as this one that are supported by advertising and unfortunately with out the paid advertising we would not have this forum.

    Read the type below which explains more in detail what Google can do and there is no way to prevent it from happening, unless you follow bluesman1951 advise.

    What are AdChoices?

    The AdChoices icon appears on sites that use Google's AdSense program to show ads. While Google often shows you ads based on the content of the page you are viewing, we also show some ads based on the types of websites you visit, view, or where you interact with an ad or other Google product supported by Google's advertising services. In doing this, Google doesn't know your name or any other personal information about you. Google simply recognizes the number stored in your browser on the Double Click cookie, and shows ads related to the interest and inferred demographic categories associated with that cookie. It's our goal to make these ads as relevant and useful as possible for you. Google doesn't create categories, or show ads, based on sensitive topics such as race, religion, sexual orientation, or health.


    i'd rather be a name than a number......

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