4 Answers
Rehab works for some people. Try it first. Rehab becomes a temporary crutch for many, as soon as they can't make it to rehab, they relapse. Without shoving religion down your throat you need a permanent crutch, one that will never leave you, and be there every second that you need support regardless of where you are. Find Jesus he's the only one that can truly put your life back together. Find a place of worship, walk through the door, grab a seat and tell the "Big Guy" you need him. Forget the holy rollers, ignore them. This is between you and God. Welcome back to the world of sanity.
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
Meth is the devil. My eldest son was arrested 4 years ago and did an in-patient for 28 days followed by 6 months out patient. He just got arrested a few weeks ago for pretty much the same stuff, including possession. His girlfriend uses, too; they have daughters, 2 and 1. The 1 year old was born with meth in her system. The two "adults" are physically abusive to each other when they use and are fantastic together when they are clean. Pathetic Situation. They are also penniless and homeless as a result of their addiction.
My middle son went to a teen in-patient for meth at 16. He subsequently was hauled off kicking and screaming (I am not kidding) to a wilderness camp a few months after returning home, followed by a residential treatment facility/boarding school in another state. He did very well for two years. He has been in jail here since the end of March, and is looking at felonies in four counties, all stemming from his need to fund his meth habit. He's looking at 2-4 years (IF all runs concurrent), PLUS violation of probation charges because of a drug arrest (guess what it was) three years ago.
These are 2 of my 3 sons, whom I dearly love. They are intelligent, talented, witty, generous, and lovable. Good-looking, of course. But they are drug addicts and it sucks the life right out of them, as I am pretty sure it does to you as well.
The church I attend (in a bar) is loaded down with people in various stages of recovery. EVERY SINGLE ONE of them tells me the NA meetings are the basis for their survival. They have sponsors (some ARE sponsors), they have a social circle and support system. They take it one day at a time. Some relapse, but get back on the track and never give up trying.
I don't have the answer, because I've only been addicted to stuff like potato chips and Diet Pepsi (gave them up at lent different years and am doing well so far). I get the concept, though. If I open a bag of chips, I won't stop eating them until they are all gone.
Get to a meeting today, tomorrow, the next day, and continue going. Go to different meetings and go back to the ones where you feel most comfortable. TALK to people there. Use them as resources to get involved in a program that can help you. It is always going to be one day at a time for an addict. Meth, I am told, opens a door in your mind that you can never completely close. BUT, you DON'T have to keep walking through it. You also need to cut all ties with the people with whom you use. FOREVER. ABOVE ALL, DON'T LIE TO YOURSELF OR ANYONE ELSE ABOUT THE FACT THAT YOU ARE AN ADDICT.
God helps, too. Pray, pray some more, and pray some more. AND LOOK AT THAT CHILD WHO DESERVES A CLEAN AND SOBER PARENT. BE THAT PARENT.
Lastly, the only way you can truly be successful is if YOU want it for yourself. Doing it for someone else is NOT going to work.
God bless you. Don't give up.
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |