1 Answer
blend <object width="13" height="21" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0"><embed src="http://img.tfd.com/m/sound.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="13" height="21" /></object> (blnd)
v. blend·ed or blent (bl
nt), blend·ing, blends

1. To combine or mix so that the constituent parts are indistinguishable from one another: "He has no difficulty blending his two writingcareers: novels and films" (Charles E. Claffey).
2. To combine (varieties or grades) to obtain a mixture of a particular character, quality, or consistency: blend tobaccos.
1. To form a uniform mixture: "The smoke blended easily into the odor of the other fumes" (Norman Mailer).
2. To become merged into one; unite.
3. To create a harmonious effect or result: picked a tie that blended with the jacket. See Synonyms at mix.
a. The act of blending.
b. Something, such as an effect or a product, that is created by blending: "His face shows, as he stares at the fire, a blend offastidiousness and intransigence" (John Fowles). See Synonyms at mixture.
2. Linguistics A word produced by combining parts of other words, as smog from smoke and fog.
blend (bl?nd)
1. to mix or mingle (components) together thoroughly
2. (tr) to mix (different grades or varieties of tea, whisky, tobacco, etc) to produce a particular flavour, consistency, etc
3. (intr) to look good together; harmonize
4. (intr) (esp of colours) to shade imperceptibly into each other
5. a mixture or type produced by blending
6. the act of blending
7. (Linguistics) Also called: portmanteau word a word formed by joining together the beginning and the end of two other words:"brunch" is a blend of "breakfast" and "lunch".
[Old English blandan; related to blendan to deceive, Old Norse blanda, Old High German blantan]
blend (bl?nd)
1. to mix smoothly and inseparably.
2. to prepare by mixing various sorts or grades: I blend this tea by mixing chamomile with pekoe.
3. to intermingle smoothly and inseparably.
4. to fit or relate harmoniously: The voices blend well.
5. to have no perceptible separation: Sea and sky seemed to blend.
6. a mixture or kind produced by blending.
7. a word made by putting together parts of other words, as motel, made from motor and hotel, or guesstimate, from guess andestimate.
8. a sequence of two or more consonant sounds within a syllable, as the bl in blend; cluster.
[1250–1300; Middle English, Old English blendan to mix, for blandan]
10 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
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