    A Honda Goldwing is better than a Harley. Dont you think?

    Randy. I wonder will you give a TU for this lol

    +1  Views: 2968 Answers: 19 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: bikes

    19 Answers

    hes out riding his yamaha

    HA HA HA HA ha hahahahhhhhaaaaaa you Honda guys are nuts..........

    Say, friendindeed, my brother never married your sister did he? You sound like my brother's brother-n-law who used to bug me all the time about his junky

    Perhaps I am your mother in law. Prob not as I am a He. I notice no TU from you on this one just because I am a winger lol
    Headless Man

    Sorry got yea. TU
    I'm here and if I had my Harley and could still ride I would look you up and run you over then we would
    Really I loved my Harley's but I sold them at a bad time in Harley History. When AMF took control of them, was bad. Thats when Honda was coming on the sean.
    I owned a Harley several years ago, mine was chopped, 1200 C FXE superglide. As an American, Harley Davidson is right there with Corvettes and Apple Pie. Where the Glodwing may be better engineered, smooth and a real highway cruiser, it just doesn't have that bit of 'Americana' history behind it, there's nothing like that 'potato-potato-potato' sound and that low end torque that a Harley delivers, not as smooth, and at highway speeds you think for sure something is going to fall off. But that's the experience of a Harley! that's what its all about! It's not a ride, its an experience! No Honda can deliver that.

    So.. My vote goes with the Harley Davidson. Not the V-rod either, I'm talking about the traditional styling big bore V-twin low end torque muscle machines. actually, wife and i was talking about it a couple days ago that we were going to the Harley shop, with gas prices the way they are, 45~50 MPG sounds pretty good, and exciting! I guess you could get the same milage with a Prius but gimme a break! That has got to be one of the most boring looking and performance cars on the road, not to mention fugly.. :)

    Anyone got  an opinion on the S&S engine which can replace the HD and does not leak oil apparently?

    Headless Man

    Harley's hasn't leaked oil, that was the chain oiler and sense they went to belts no oil anywhere.
    But I think the S&S engine is a good one.
    depends what your looking for in a bike,.hondas reliability is far superior as well as comfort! i think harleys are over priced and more of a status symbol. ..thats why i got one of each....ya right

    I gave you a TU for trying

    S&S motor is beyond a doubt the best thing Harley ever stuck in it's frame. Look mom no leaks.

    Vinny, I was a Harley Dealer 1968-83. I had a 72 SuperGlide and we went camping at a place called Honda Hills and they had a trail bike ride. I took the SuperGlide on it was amazed of how well it done, could have used a little more ground clearance through, was a great hill climber.

    Oh  the horror of even thinking  of anything but a  Milwaukee Vibrator   just  makes me  cringe , Honda   NEVER  NERVER NEVER  yuck.   I've had 6  Harleys  in my lifetime , still own one .

    Headless Man

    Just gave away my Harley junk as I couldn't do anything with it anymore, made some money now let someone who does flee marketing make some.

    Harley bucket of

    OH here comes a Harly....Put Put Put Put....ha

    Randy... I love both for diff reasons but I knew this would give us some fun in the midst of all the gloom and doom on this sight at times. Still love my Wing tho. Sounds better than a bucket of spanners lol
    Where is Randy on this one
    The Goldwing is more reliable. More comfortable. It even has an ash tray for smoking when riding lol
    Big head. Darren. I had a Goldwing and loved it. I read that Randy was a Harley man and was trying to provoke some reaction from him. None so far
    honda keeps going harley needs to cool off quite often

    Where did you come up with this tidbit of information??

    I'm back on this since someone kicked it to the top again--  I think that the confusion here between the 'put-put'put' condescending remarks about the Harley translated is the difference between a  street rod and a Mercedes. Where 'YES' the Mercedes or Goldwing is a much better long haul cruiser and possibly even better handling and durable the Goldwing or other 'highly engineered' japanese machines just do not have that early feel of 'American motorcycle' sport feel and sound. If I were to travel from coast to coast, I certainly wouldn't want to do it on a Harley (of old) I would rather  do it on a highway cruiser like the Goldwang (pun)This is a given, however, if i want to feel the power and rumble and low end torque, I want to feel that V-twin I can only do this with a harley.

    Amazing that even the Japanese makers have all 'tried' to mimic the Harley with certain models in their lineup, looks and V-twin, some have come close but still, Harley is synonymous with USA and obviously finds itself with older generation Americans that want to keep a bit of the past.. This is also why I own a Corvette that rumbles, shakes and terribly uncomfortable on a trip - Still I love it and I especially love passing Priuses in second gear revving 6k RPM..  It's a different thing all together. If I could, I would have both the Goldwing and a Harley.. They both have their strong points for a person as myself that looks at both sides.  

    A Yamaha keyboard. Singing hymns and a big smile. 50cc

    Neither in my opinion.My vote is for the BMW K1600GT(Vermilion Red Metallic of course).

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