    What do YOU do when the one prayer you've been praying for never comes true , Just keep praying ? Or does anyone have a different approach

    Just a new perspective may help . Thank You .......................Ron.

    +3  Views: 997 Answers: 15 Posted: 13 years ago

    15 Answers

    Instead of praying for an answer, you should pray for peace and strength while waiting. God will answer you at the perfect time if you patiently wait.


    God has His own timing.

    Amen, Ben!

    You have good faith, Pam And good answer

    Thanks, mycatsmom!

    very well said Pamela lol

    Congratulations on your new avatar, look at kitty, she is really cute. :-)

    Just ask him to show you the way and then pay attention to everthing that is happening. That has worked for me. Jesus does not fix your problems you have to do it by yourself with his guidance.

    Sometimes I don't think we realize just how much Jesus knows our needs,I have hit rock bottom,and as much as I didn't understand things,I gave it to God and told him how much I trusted him,and how I know he knows my needs,things are slowly coming together now,it's on his time clock,but i can honestly say he always answers my prayers,he never ceases to amaze me,he's so powerful,and faithful,hang in there,and always remember to keep the faith,he's right there,and he hears you.....patience.God bless!!!


    you are so right in what you are saying every one just ahs to be patient and hw will answer in his own way


    God gave us all the ability to make all things possible, be patient and He will help your dreams and prayers a reality........believe in yourself as well.....good luck and God bless!!

    if you dont first succeed try and try again , if this fails sod it


    what is ''sod it '' ?


    Just keep preying he is listerning to you, you must be patient and never for get he is with you all the time, you may think he isnt but he is


    keep the faith. :-)

    thanks Pamela LOL

    do you end your prayer " in your son Jesus name?" and He isnt going to drop something into your lap. if your asking for something you dont need, chances are you wont get it.


    I wouldn't ask if I didn't need it , I'm not asking for something to be dropped in my lap , and if I was GOD would make the decision without judgement ..................Do you understand , He don't judge , unlike You seem to be doing.

    no one was judging you. i was trying to give you some advice, but you know, you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink.
    Headless Man

    Who ever told you God don't judge was wrong, he is the judge.

    Get another strong beleiver to pray with you. Jesus said  , '' Where ever two or more of you are gathered in my name, it shall be given unto you ''

    It means that God didn't give you a yes, b/c he thought that what  you were praying for would not be in your best interest. Sometimes, it takes YEARS to get a prayer answered to where you can make that prayer become a reality . Certain conditions have to fall into place. There is no unanswered prayer. God says yes, no, or not yet, or maybe.


    "God says yes, no, or not yet, or maybe."
    A magic 8 ball does the same. Perhaps Goodfella should just get one of those.

    I'd wait for a really clear day to pray.  You get less static and interference that way.  The message can go straight to the Almighty directly!


    are you serious ? God isn't on the internet, or on an electric wire, or in a cable buried in the ground

    I am just trying to give the questioner some hope.
    <dl><dt>Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.-Albert Einstein</dt><dt></dt><dt>You must ask yourself, "at what point do I start believing that this repeated activity simply does not work? "</dt><dt></dt><dt>Your question hints at the fact that you are well on your way to doing so. For that, I congratulate you. Those that haven't reached that conclusion, likely never will. But they will, try as they might, make every attempt to "rationalize" the failure of the activity by even more irrational explanations.</dt><dt></dt><dt>My recommendation is for you to use your own intellectual abilities, after reading the numerous solicited responses , to come to a conclusion that will end your doubt going forward. </dt></dl>

    Some things that we are looking for are not in His plan. Ironicly I prayed for 1 on my brothers (named Ron) to be saved and come to know the peace of having christ in his life... He came to know Christ through the loss of our father.. And I lost my way.


    Hope you find your way again G

    Thank You ................Ron.

    Maybe if you tell us what your praying for, we could all get together and pray for what it is you want.Then we could all be witness whether your prayer were answer.

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