    If a woman would make a better President why don't we have one?

    After all most of the men have just screwed it up and we've had a few chances to elect s woman.

    +1  Views: 4905 Answers: 25 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: politics world

    25 Answers

    Sex has nothing to do with it, the right woman would get my vote. However don't play with the idea that a woman would be the answer to all, congress is the problem.
    I think that Hillary Clinton really won the nomination , but some higher ups stuck Obama in there, b/c they wanted a president who is .... 1. black ( even tho he's bi-racial) and
    2. They wanted a prez who is Muslim or at least leaning toward muslims, or has a muslim background.

    If you think the U.S. is run by our government, or congress,or the people, or our president, adn his advisors, you're wrong. Our country is run by the top echelon of world bankers and the heads of large corporations.

    As I looked at this answer for several days, I have concluded you are correct.. 'We the people' do not get to pick the president, only vote for the ones that have been selected for us to pick from. Behind the walls and doors we will never see what actually transpires.

    Hillary had all the votes to win. But they wanted Obama and who knows what they did to achieve this. But look-what goes around comes around. Just look at our country now, its a disaster, and we the little people are paying for it.I would love to see a woman become president. Thats wishful thinking though, with all the powerful Corp. and Goverment, they will never give up theire reign.

    Have you ever seen the difference when a man get in a fight and a woman gets in a fight, men throw their fist, women throw everything they get there hands on and pull hair. I'm not sure I would want a woman doing that as president, would be throwing nukes and pulling troops........JK

    I don't know truly, but maybe I will run for president. I wonder how many votes I would get?

    15 Karmas from me!

    As long as an elected leader has the best, long term interests of the people and the land/environment as the core of their policies, Gender doesn't matter!

    ....get ready, it may happen.

    A woman with a good grasp of American history, ideals, morals, the Constitution, foreign affairs, diplomacy, economics....

    and a desire to serve her country with honesty, dependability, and integrity

    would make an excellent President of the United States.  Unfortunately,  no woman with those qualities is on the ballot.

    perhaps america is still waiting for the right think with only one thing in mind ...there wallets

    5 years on old mate,looks like you might get your wish..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Men don't make good presidents, b/c of their naturally high levels of testosterone.....they are prediposed towards violence, war and aggression.
    Men are the trouble-makers in the world, but some women are crap too. Look at Ju-liar, liar, liar of Australia. She stuck the knife into Kevin Rudd and took his place. She didn't really win the election. She's only in because of independant politicians. Now she's feeding us only lies and more lies.
    Who said a woman would make a 'better' president?? Maybe as good or bad but I don't think gender has a thing to do with it.

    maybe we should have an all female congress too! That'd be a hoot!

    The only bad thing I can think of is unfortunately not all the world's countries look at women as being equal as we do and the ones that we are in conflict with now have little regard for women.. A woman president would have negative diplomatic issues in these countries as they would not accept a woman.


    There are countries out there with woman running them and I've not seen yet where they say certain countries won't deal with them. We have a woman as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton. Part of her job is to meet with foreign leaders. I don't think she's been snubbed by one yet, at least not that I can recall.

    yes she was, in Saudi she had a bit of a problem.. Colleen, I am certainly not saying a woman can't handle it, I am saying that I don't know if these 3rd world countries can handle it.. You know as i do there's a strong bias against women in these countries.. Personally, I wish we did or will have a woman president, this would be that 'change' we are looking for.
    I wish some of you men would quit making comments about pms. They're sexist and silly.


    I would have voted for Hillary had she not been paid off to quit running. She and Bill did well with his presidency. We even had a surplus money wise. I think they would have done well again. Better than this useless president we have now.
    Honestly, my sex talks up a storm, but they don't usually carry out something THIS big. A lot of women don't want to be the actual president, even though they want a woman for president. The others that want to be, they hit a bump along the way that causes them to veer off course. There hasn't been the ONE, you know? Hillary was pretty good, but apparently not good enough at that point in time (frown). Being president is a BIG DEAL, and men just try out because they have HUGE egos (usually) and believe they can run one of the most powerful countries in the world. More women tend to be humble, or modest, but the bold ones don't want to be president. God, I don't know. Why can't there be more modern men like George Washington or Teddy Roosevelt? That's a question on its own! There's still a lot of discrimination against women, and the big money, like oldanthony said, doesn't believe that a women could win a presidency. You have a good question there!
    men are too proud to admit a female might make better decisicions than a male. Most men are afraid she will have a bad hormonal day and push that nuclear bomb button.
    Well old Anthony, there's only two that I know of that ever ran for president Geraldine Ferrero And Hillary Clinton. I don't see where 'most of the me screwed up... The USA is over 200 years old and I think the guys have done quite well. I never started worrying until just lately about who's minding the store. If there is a qualified woman running, I would vote for her in a minute, it's just difficult finding ANYONE qualified enough for the job, as as we progress forward, we seem to be getting less choices of qualified contestants. Male or Female.. We don't get to pick who runs, only who wins and we can't even be sure of that anymore..

    who started the wars a gaggle of giggling housewives. Our economic situations were caused by soobing weak minded females, oh well we men have all the answers. The best thing about america is that we can believe anything we want

    Vinny, I have to say, oldanthony caught you in your sexist trap, lol

    How you figure that?? I was saying, i don't care if its a man or a woman, I would vote for a woman in a minute if I thought she was qualified.. I'd vote for you Colleen, why don't you run for prez??? You could make me vice prez and together we could fix this crap..

    All I wanted to know was why we don't have a woman president. I know only 2 have run but as or history shows many men have been elected who shouldn't have been just because they had big money backing them. How many strong capable women would have made great presidents if big money had the guts to back them. Men have always feared women and well we should have as women were given more political and financial power they have showed us just waht a force they were. I welcome women into power, we need more women in congress and the senate.
    Oh, Colleen My sexism is mostly tongue in cheek

    Well i think it wasn't until 1920 and the 19 amendment that women's right to vote was even instituted. Even then there was an ongoing discrimination of women, they just didn't have a chance, it was a man's world back then and the woman belonged barefooted and pregnant.. To think that a woman in those days would run for a political office was totally out of the question, she couldn't even get a position in administrative staff, or for that matter, get a job in a factory. WW 2 changed all that but still it would be another 30+ years before we would see a woman run.. In history though, it had been tried but none have ever made it past just talking about it.. I actually would like to see a woman president.. If for any reason, just so that the women have a shot at it.
    GOOD QUESTION?????????????????????

    because once a month we will have a new war started.
    We had a Mrs Thatcher need I say more!
    I dont know I think the first time the president gets PMS I would feel sorry for any country trying to mess with us
    zorro if i didnt know better i would say that sounds like George Carlin talkin but alas the funny man is nomore
    becose it is all about the money.
    We have had two & we think they did well .Mary mc Aleese did very well & we will miss her when she goes

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