    If you like your doctor but cant deal with his staff, what do you do???

    This is an old family practice. The girl at the front desk is abrasive,rude and condisending. She is also the founders daughter. Should I find a new doctor for my kids?

    0  Views: 438 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    You would probably be best to find a new doctor. Since she is the founders daughter, I doubt she'll be asked to change her attitude. If you feel comfortable enough with the doctor, you could mention how she makes you feel belittled when dealing with her. I kind of doubt it will help though.

    Seems to be a worldwide phenomenom. Drs staff are always so full of themselves.

    Give what you get. Remind her that you are the "Customer" in a subtle way.

    Another good trick is to refer to the Dr by his first name,This really pisses them off because they usually have to call him Dr. whatever.

    reminds me of a recent Question,"Why do some people think they are better than others".

    They are not better,they only think they are.


    LOL... The Doctor is her brother... The founder was her Grandfather.
    Oh trust me I dont tolerate her attitude. The office manager comes to the desk if I am there. I dont back down. I am very calm but I expect respect.

    Yeah,hang in there Jenn.If he is a good Dr.& knows your kids case histories why should you change Drs because of that little upstart?

    Great advice THANK YOU!!!

    Well, look at it this way, is she paying you to visit the doctor or are you paying her? Be just as snooty.


    Good one Eggy!

    Tell your doctor about her attitude. If she doesn't change, find a new doctor, why bother?


    Schubee what is your approx. age and are you a man or woman????

    ;-( You didn't even know about me??

    LOL, I'm 42.....

    and what made you think I am a woman????

    Baby.... I was just trying to get your attention! I know you are all man!!!! I was picking on you for not filling out your profile so I could stalk you... LOL

    FYI, you don't need to try, you already have my attention! ;-)

    Wow!!!! That made me blush.

    I want to see!!

    Stop that... LOL... now that is twice!

    Ask your kids if they like the Dr. If not then get a new Dr.

    As for the woman at the front desk,  give her my name and number. I love meeting others who act rude and talk down to other people. Maybe she just needs a lil OTK


    I would give it to you if I had it.. She needs a good virbal spanking.

    And a real one also I bet. I would love to 'lend a hand'

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