    Why do we tolerate lawyers in pollitics?

    look at the mess they are creating rite now. We need to get lawyers out of pollitics. They all have very bad attitudes and only help themselevs. Lets get together and rid ourseves of these parasites. THANK YOU ALL.

    +1  Views: 426 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    Lawyer get a very bad rap.  I know quite a few who take their jobs very seriously and do what is expected of them and nothing more selfish.  In answer to your question, law is very important in politics and lawyers are needed to keep up with the straight and narrow……...

    We need lawyers to keep people from running over us. And we need politicians to keep lawyers from running over everybody.  i really love lawyers, but many have to be watched.

    anarchy |?an?rk?| noun a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority: he must ensure public order in a country threatened with anarchy. • absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.

    POLITICAL IDEAL? ...... Consider this a test. How would you like to live in The Anarchy House., On Anarchy Street, In the town of Anarchy, In the state of "Anarchy" with it's bullet ridden White flag.

    Not even ants live in anarchy. Spiders live in Anarchy. Our bodies have rules and laws and penalties and rewards. .... So, looking for equivalent systems that would give Anarchy the slightest evidence of surviving there are spiders apparently living in anarchy. Writers have sought to expand that realm into human creationism by writing similies that came to TV as "True Blood" and other similar stories. Our history of slavery is similar and we have variations on the theme expressed throughout our history into todays world of working for wages and living off the system in analogies. But our system of rules and laws seems persistent over anarchy and I've not seen it bettered yet.   


    I'm getting the question, because there's so much negativity with politicians and the negativity that lawyers constantly endure its fair to assume lawyer politicians are an evil source.   And I agree to a point.  Someone said you need lawyers in politics as translators of what previous lawyers in politics wrote in the books that keep being handed down.  I'm sure you've read a legal transcript, who could understand this other than another lawyer. it wasn't written for the  common folk to understand, they have their own language. "legalese' . Great language too because they are in the practice of interpretation, and they interpet, present their interpretation to a judge or jury in a spin and like a car salesman, make you believe in their side of the story.  In every case theyr's one telling truth and one is lying. the jury/judge job is to figure out who is who.

    Politics is no different, they are selling an idea, they are skillful at spinning the truth and making you buy it. (to get elected) then in the house, they lie to each other, hopefully the winner is the one with the least dangerous lie.   Our  USA g'ment was set up by lawyers for lawyers who call themselves politicians. And we will never make it as a free country without them. Love em or hate em, we need them.







    Vinny love that answer!

    I tell it as I see it, not always right but it's the way i see it. Right behind lawyer politicians I see journalists. They will do and say anything that will pay them. I don't think there one honest journalist to be found, primarily because the truth does not sell.

    i guess sells is truly king.

    Given the choice between the bible and its teachings and $50.00 how many would choose the bible?? Make it interesting?? 10k vs the bible.

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