    How do I determine that a selected and uploaded attachment is attached to my message

    Their doesn't seem to show anywhere that a selected and uploaded attachment went through.

    0  Views: 335 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    You should be able to see the file. If you followed attach correctly though, it's attached. If in doubt, email it to yourself then once you prove to yourself it is attached, forward it to your party that you wanted to send it to originally. However, if you do this, be sure to update the suject line removing the fw: part of the subject and also in the body of your email, highlight the headers from where you sent it to yourself and erase that part of the text leaving only the part that you wrote to begin with. This way no one will see you did all that. 

    its some thing to do whith your email inbox

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