    i dont know how to make it a shorter question.. basicaly i want to ask how to start a very begining relationship with someone..basicaly i new to uk. and i dont know what the practise here for i was traveling in coach from london to bolton. i and a girl were sitting at the last three seats so i and she were in three seats with a gap of one seat between us. i liked her very much i just wanted to make a relation with her that in the begining just to be in contact with her. I my country w

    +2  Views: 246 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    you are right daren but how to start i realy dont know..please let me knowledge with your experties

    2 Answers

    can't get a hit if you don't swing the bat, next time don't be so shy lifes to short.


    you are right daren but how to start i realy dont know..please let me knowledge with your experties
    tell me how should i start and wot should i say and wot not

    start just by saying hello.tell her you like hershirt or purse or whatecer, ask her hername and tell her it a beautifull name. make small talk like do you go to school, find out their intreasts and how cool that sounds, and always show respect. this one might have got away but the worlds full of girls, if you live near the city, you can always go the malls girls love malls. above all be yourself and never lie, it's a big turnoff .any girl of worth wants a guy who's honest . talk about their job . try to put the focus on them the quickest way to bore a girl is talking to much about yourself. make them laugh, a good joke is always a great ice breaker as long as it's in good taste. see if they might want to join you for lunch somewhere mutual with lots of people, you don't want to come off as being creepy. make sure your well manicured as well as dressed, girls love guys who dress sharp.. the main thing is just get out their and swing the bat dont let rejeaction get you down, so what if you get shut down it happens to all..good luck and keep trying!

    Ahhh,hmmmmmm, Just be yourself!

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