I wanted to edit the Question, but could only get to the bottom part.
1 Answer
I have no answer for your question. I do, however, believe the fields are responsible for many illnesses. High cancer rates in some areas. Some where inside of me I wonder if the increase in autism is caused by the fields that the ovary and fetus are exposed to. Maybe I am a little nuts.
There is a lot of "stuff" in the air now that is not natural. Cell phones, microwaves etc etc etc.
Let me know if you find an answer or have other thoughts on this topic.
PS: I did not read the book.
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Thanks Mmouse. You are right. Arthur Firstenberg mentions Cancer and also autism and many more illnesses.You can google his report Killing Fields-ARTHUR FIRSTENBERG.I was looking on the net for an answer, because all my birds disappeared and I found this site. This is scary.
Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Killing Fields --ARTHUR FIRSTENBERG
https://www.whale.to/b/elf6.html -
https://www.whale.to/b/elf6.html -
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