    Would like to find and delete my old emails.

    The system has warned me that it was too full.

    0  Views: 314 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Go to manage folders  open , click on create folders  ,type name of folder in box  ie : Mail from mom .then click on save . After you make a bunch of folders go to mail find :  the mails you wish to move click onthe mails ,go to move to find the folder you want the mail to go to click on it  then click on move . For mails you wish to delete on left side of screen click each mail you wish to delete and then click the delete  .Then go to the delete folder and choose EMPTY  click on it  follow prompts and in a moment all is gone . There is a quicker way but if you make a mistake then all the mails are gone. Bad idea until you get the hang of this house keeping thing. Take a look at www.4 you have 10 mb on line storage for free  easy to sign up . Like having a storage locker . With photos you can put all the ones you wish to share here and send a invite  then your friend can see them and you dont have to send a mess of pictures in a mail. Change the password and they no longer have acess simple as that. You can put a bunch of things here to make space .You can also get a thumb drive and put all your mails on it and delete nothing. Hope this helps !!!!!!!!!!! Bill

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